Saturday 13 February 2021

The Canadian Bishops and Canadian Tax Law: Money the reason the Church refuses to defend Religious Freedom and supports lock downs?

Gagged by the adulterous money pact between Church and State

 Money does strange things to people. It does even stranger things - even evil things - when it involves sinful financial arrangements. It becomes diabolically evil, when churchmen pimp the Church to the godless State. The "Adulterous Money Pact" has kept the bishops obedient, silent, and even active agents for the government in pushing abortion-linked "vaccines", and very destructive and useless lock downs. They have also consistently refused to go to Court to defend the Church's and OUR rights to publicly practice the Faith. Why? Why this refusal, this subservience? I say, the Adulterous Money Pact is a major factor in refusing to oppose government violations of religious freedom  and civil liberties. 

As former employee of the CCCB, Lea Singh wrote: 

The Catholic Church in Canada lives in fear. Not of the culture of death, but of Canadian tax laws. 

So it is that decades ago the Church in Canada began to shamelessly engage in adultery with the State. It was into this macabre play that the weak and ineffectual Thomas Collins was called to become an actor. First as a bishop and then Cardinal. In truth not so much as a bishop, but a pawn. Watched carefully, this timid, bookish man was seen as a perfect Canadian bishop. Let us now fast forward to the Corona Crisis that hit last March which revealed the man that Thomas Collins is: a man who fell over himself to demonstrate his obedience and subservience to the State. He even boarded up churches in hamlets hundreds of miles north of Toronto.

On March 17, 2020 Cardinal Collins shut the churches in the Archdiocese of Toronto. I denounced it then, and I have consistently denounced it, and will not cease to do so. As a wise separated brother noted and continues to note from his open church in Florida, "the virus is real, but the response is fake". A pity there is not ONE Canadian bishop who can has done the same. 

The State "response" to the "little virus" ( to quote Cardinal Collins) has, and continues to destroy lives, families, businesses, facilitate suicide, domestic violence. We have barely heard a peep from these bishops on the harm of these lock downs. Again, I ask why? I say (again) the "Adulterous Money Pact". 
Lock downs also quickly became a "new religion", pushed by Toronto's godless downtown elite. On a spiritual level, the "response" for a virus that has an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of +/- 0.2%, has resulted in the near complete suppression of religious worship. During this ENTIRE time we have the ongoing perversity of abortion "clinics", liquor stores, beer shops, and pot shops remaining open. Again, TOTAL silence from the prostituting bishops. TOTAL SILENCE.
It was during this time too, that the militantly pro-abortion "Toronto Public Health" officials (under the "mis"leadership of the pro-abortion, pro-gay, globalist elitist, Mayor John Tory), informed Cardinal Collins that they were de facto taking over Catholic liturgical practices, and that, ALL Sacraments were going to be suppressed if the Cardinal did not obey their orders. Rather than defend the Church, and the faithful's rights (and go to Court) to publicly practice the Faith, the Cardinal obeyed the unjust orders, and we now have State officials determining how the Holy Eucharist is to be received. This is State Absolutism. Let there be no misunderstanding, the Catholic Church in Toronto is functioning at the behest and command of State power.
Canadian bishops refuse to go to Court to defend the Church

Lest readers think I am being too hard on Cardinal Collins, barring one or two examples of bishops still admitting Catholics' right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, the bishops as a body have been SILENT on State abuse of the Church, SILENT on lock downs, SILENT on abortion-linked and dangerous mRNA "vaccines". Indeed, they have agreed to become "influencers" and engage in psychological manipulation of the faithful to take dangerous and unethical mRNA drugs. This is the price for adultery with the State.
But not all Catholics have not been silent, nor have they surrendered to the Absolutist State.

Vox Cantoris has visited upon the Cardinal admonitions (that we understand are read by the Cardinal) not out of opposition to his legitimate authority, but, to the contrary, to recall the Cardinal to his legitimate authority and duties to defend Christ and the rights of His Church. To defend the rights of the Faithful to public worship and access to the Sacraments. Tragically, the Cardinal is not listening to the faithful but to the lawyers, the money-men; those who wish to keep the "Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Toronto, Inc" rolling along and the government money rolling in. 

Lea Singh continues:

The Canadian Income Tax specifies that charities must cap their involvement in political activity at 10% of their total activity. The Catholic Church is a registered charity, and it makes a lot of money with that status. Many parishioners all across Canada donate to their local parishes each Sunday with the understanding that they will receive tax deductions for their donations. How many people would stop donating, or would donate substantially less, if the Church was no longer able to provide them with tax receipts?

This 10% limit on political activity has become a powerful deterrent to the Church's participation in fighting for the culture of life in the public square. Every action that could be interpreted as political activity is now a direct threat to the Church's financial survival.

Follow the money trail friends, follow the money.  It is ALL about money.

Corruption, wealth, and decadence is nothing new in the Church. Whilst the Church is sinless, She has been infected with sinful, even evil churchmen from her very beginning. Just think of Judas.

But there is another parallel I would like you to consider: the Church in Constantinople. St. John Chrysostom's predecessor was the luxury addicted Nectarius, who even built himself a palace. During this time, it was openly known that bishops were acquiring sees through simony and vying with each other to manifest wealth and power. Following St. Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom took the Catholic Faith seriously, becoming known as "the father of the injured orphans, widows, and the poor". He did not hold bishop's banquets for the wealthy  and politicians, but associated with the poor. St. John's Homilies (22,24, and 70) stand out as examples of pure Catholic doctrine on dealing with issues of money and corruption. We should not be surprised to discover that the holy Patriarch was persecuted by the State for his defense of purity of doctrine and opposing corrupt State officials. We can well consider the robust response of St. John to a decadent State that would dare tell him to shut the churches, to suppress Mass, all the while running whorehouses (or, worse, baby butchery mills).

Friends, this is not ending well for the churchmen. But it is ending well for us. God writes straight with crooked lines. He has exposed the corruption and decadence of the local churches in the formerly Christian, now paganized West. We should be rejoicing that God is beginning the cleansing process of these decadent local churches that are ashamed of Him. Not only do they not preach the Gospel, they have prostituted themselves to Caesar, and betrayed the faithful. 

Cardinal Collins, we call upon you again: 

Open the churches. 

Demand God's Rights. 

Stop prostituting the Church to the State.

Speak up for the poor who have been crushed by the year long lock down.


  1. The only 'restriction' at my parish is every other pew into which, on Sundays, we are packed into with no anti-social distancing. Silly. No face muzzles, no outbreaks, almost 'normal'. Other parishes, particularly the traditional Latin Mass ones, have NO restrictions and no sicknesses either. There is NO good reason to close the churches and deny the Sacraments to the faithful over a flu. There are even treatments, inexpensive treatments, that work quite well for this flu. I am not speaking of the experimental jab with unknown long term side effects which is, at the very least, a great money maker for certain elites. The cowardice of so many Church leaders is astounding and many of them live in fear of the government and of the scamdemic.

  2. I like what you wrote.

    I have only one thing to point out. This business of "God writes straight with crooked lines." Who said this?

    This saying has been used to excuse everyone from JPII to Marcial Maciel.

    Sacred Scripture says differently. "Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall become straight, and the rough ways plain." ISAIAH 40:4

    God doesn't square circles. He makes the crooked straight. Please, no more writing straight with crooked lines.

  3. God writes straight with crooked lines throughout the Old and New Testament, and up to our present day. In the Exultet we read: "I happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer..."

    In Proverbs we read:"The Lord has made everything for its own purpose even the wicked for the day of evil".

    In other words, God who is the Master of History, allows His creatures free will, but as Master He still uses our abuse of free will for His own mysterious designs.


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