Saturday 28 March 2020

Coronavirus has exposed the decadence of the Church in the West

God writes straight with crooked lines. Every crisis exposes each man for who he really is. The curtain is drawn. The spotlight shines in the dark exposing every secret. 

God draws good out of evil, and some good is coming from Corona: exposing our western world, but even more (for the fish rots from the head down), the churchmen in their corruption, effeminacy, and materialism. It has exposed the false "christ" so many of us worship. Behind even pious sounding words is a fake "christ", romanticized, plastic, without the Cross, without suffering, without sacrifice. 

This "christ" is reflected in what is called "religion". Sentimental, theatrical, weak, full of "cheap moralizations", as Bishop Sheen said. 

Marx was, in a sense, correct that "religion is the opium of the people", if it be understood that "religion" is (as it is for so many of us) a psychological crutch: a type of feel good narcotic. For Corona has drawn back the curtain to expose that for many, religion is precisely that: an intoxication focused on self, the world, false ideologies  and saviours. As a result, there is the perversion of the Faith so that it is no longer that of Jesus Christ, but an act of self-worship. Each man becomes a "god". 

The West threw away the Cross decades ago: we now see the results when the coronavirus turned up. 

Corona has exposed so many of us as a materialist. Really a  type of communist without Party affiliation or a working knowledge of Das Capital, but holding bonds, equity, and dividends, with faith in an earthly messianism. Bt it is all there: materialism, messianism, and historicism.  

Let us break with our ideologies! Return to Christ, in Him is our ONLY salvation!

It is NOT in communism, socialism, materialism, globalism, zionism, naturalism (liberalism), capitalism, protestantism, democratism, or any other evil messianic ideology that is against Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

We must repent. We must return to Jesus Christ, whom ALONE is the Source of Life. 

Let us watch this carefully. Meditate on it. Reflect on our lives. Consider how far our world has fallen since this holy man spoke these words. 


  1. *You were created to produce a melody!*

    This is nonpareil. I can't think of anyone who had the same sprightly ease in front of the moving camera. Franklin Roosevelt had it, but he was born into the patrician class. Bernard Shaw, but he was always playing the part of GBS.

    The Archbishop was just himself, and as evangelical as the Evangelicals.

    I suspect he brought many a Sola Scriptura Protestant into the Catholic faith. There was an intense inner struggle going on, behind his natural vein of humour, and I think this drew many tortured people to him.

    He supported the Second Vatican Council, though the way in which the Council's documents were interpreted, especially by modernists, must have shocked him. Likewise the way the sacrifice of the Mass was gradually lost.

    A prescient observer, he told Malcolm Muggeridge that Christendom was over, but Christ was not over. We are living today in that strange paradigm. Christ is closer to us than ever, even as Christendom recedes further and further away.

    As you say, we are seeing all around us a type of communism without the Party or Das Capital. The opiate of the intellectuals.

  2. *A Message to the People of Ireland from Sr. Briege McKenna.*
    27 March 2020. EWTN. YouTube.

    A comment below said: *We the children of God are lacking a leader.*

    I heard Sr. Briege McKenna speaking in a Catholic Church in the east end of Glasgow, in the early 1980s.

    Sister Briege has a healing ministry, and a lovely way of speaking to a group of people, addressing each one as an individual.


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