Sunday 29 March 2020

ARCHBISHOP SHEEN: He predicted the United States will collapse ~ are we seeing the first stage of her demise?

I wrote the following post below, back in December, 2016. As coronavirus ravages the United States and the rest of the world, know that "corona" has helped accelerate the inevitable global government that will be tyrannical, anti-Christian, and (I believe) eventually morph into the global empire of the Man of Perdition. The United States has just taken on $6 TRLLION in additional debt last week: $2.2 in the stimulus package and $4 in additional loans by the Fed. This scenario is being replicated around the world. We will return to "work", but upon our backs will be a crushing burden of debt. Debt breeds societal confrontation, breakdown, dissension, and war. 

Since 2016, it is obvious that our societies have not returned to God, not repented, not made reparation for the most abominable evils. To the contrary: sin is glorified, reveled in. Catholics, in open rebellion, even lead the attack on the family, on the Church, on Christ. One thing that is not infinite with God is His patience. It will run out. "It is a frightful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31). In permitting "corona" God is giving us but a small taste of His wrath.  

It will be upon such a scene, that in the future, when evil will be even more widespread due to man's rebellion against Christ and His Church (if that can be imagined), that the Man of Perdition will enter to bring universal "peace" for "evil will abound" and there "will be more sin" (c.f. Matthew 24:12). 

Is this inevitable? That the Man of Perdition will arrive is certain, but prior to his revealing, even greater evil must abound upon the earth. Let us repent, let us convert, let us mitigate this evil, let us implore God to grant us the grace to delay the appearance of the  son of Hell. 


Original Post: December 19, 2016
[original here

Dear American readers, your country - like Canada - is in total moral collapse. Far seeing prophets such as your Archbishop Fulton Sheen foresaw this decades ago. It was inevitable. America, founded on "religious liberty" and not Truth, was doomed to fail. Canada, especially once Catholic Quebec, fell from an even greater height, as She was once Catholic. Hence, the fall was greater, and of greater evil. 

Nonetheless, it was the duty of Catholics in America to turn the United States of America into the Catholic States of America. It was the particular duty of the Hierarchy. Hundreds of Catholics in the United States were martyred for the Faith during the 19th century. The American bishops distinguished themselves in remaining silent about these saints.

The slaughter of millions of babies, the glorification of the breakup of family life, the promotion of sexual depravity and perversion has not gone unnoticed by Almighty God. 

He will not be mocked and is now pouring out His wrath. Now, America, like any other Nation that has freely accepted to be the Spawn of Satan will be punished and enslaved by a just God. 

Dear American readers, consider the recent "Pastoral Letter " by Bishop (?) McGrath of San Jose. You will notice, dear American friends, not a single word by this "bishop" McGrath about partial birth abortion where a baby is literally slaughtered as it is being born. You will notice that the Holy Name of Jesus is passed over in silence. This letter could have been written by a Freemason. 

Then, compare it to the dire warning and prophecy by the long-suffering and viciously persecuted Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Consider these words were spoken decades ago. What would the holy Prelate say today about wide spread pornography, homosexuality, murder, family breakdown, contraception, fornication, general indecency, obscenity and decadence? What would he say about the SILENCE of the American Hierarchy when facing an election between one candidate that supports killing babies as they are being born and one who opposes it? 

Venerable Fulton Sheen, pray for us 


  1. *We are afraid of being unpopular so we go with the mob.*

    Archbishop Sheen said so much in just a few words. Even his pauses seemed filled with the gravity of our situation.

    We are on the broad road to Hell. Jesus saw it coming. Your images speak of it. The abortion pill. Scientists being given funding to create human-animal hybrids. One man calling another man his wife. Drugs. Family breakdown.

    President Obama said opponents of gay marriage were *clingers*, holding on to a discredited Christian doctrine. Yet he hastened the death of that doctrine, appeasing the media and the siren voices of Babylon.

    Obama was playing the role of a paternal Caesar; not just in granting the masses their bread and circuses, but in permitting them to destroy the very foundations of the Christian family. And all in the name of *Love*. But not the love of Christ that constrains us!

    Perhaps we will soon know why the Third Secret of Fatima was not revealed in 1960 as Our Lady requested. Why did none of the popes obey Mary's request?

    The Secret was so terrible that Sister Lucia could only write it down after her bishop implored her to do so.

    The message consists of about twenty lines.
    On the fate of humanity after it has turned its back on the Christian faith.

  2. No, our country is not collapsing. In fact, a new age is dawning with our beloved President and his allies. Just wait...

  3. Messianism is very dangerous. "A new age". Novus ordo seclorum. That is what is proclaimed on the masonic-kabbalistic "Great Seal. But that is not the Christian view. That is a masonic, naturalistic view that is in opposition to Jesus Christ and His Church.

    This popular view that via history we are progressing, things are getting better and better all the time is a from of historicism, which, interestingly, derives from the historicism promoted by Marx through his Jewish materialistic messianism (c.f. Ratzinger, Introduction to Christianity, chapter 1).

    A glorious "New age" - only economically speaking - will be very difficult given that on top of the 6 trillion lent by international finance (of which Mnuchin is a representative) the United States has followed a Keynsian QE policy, as well as years of repo-equity "debt for cash" (over $500 billion just since last September). You cannot be free if you are in debt. Thanks to corona, American farmers, workers, small business and medium business will be further in debt to these international bankers. Not just America but the whole West. All of this is "humanly speaking". Yes, Trump will kick the ball down the street giving a few more years, but that is it. We are definitely in a new dark age.

    The only solution to our problems are spiritual, as the Archbishop pointed out. But people are in denial of the spiritual. They deny it because it means real life changes. It means subsidiarity. That means it is tough. Catholicism is a tough religion. And it is the only true religion.

    Even if Donald Trump were another Alfred, he is still dealing with men's souls. One man can cannot reform an entire nation that has - with noble exceptions - turned its back on Jesus Christ and His Church. Again, it is subsidiarity. A holy priest stands a far better chance to reform his congregation, than the pope, or even the local bishop.

    Our Lord told St Teresa of Avila: "you look after my interests, and I will look after yours", In other words, if we convert, reconvert, truly live Christian lives with Christ in first place, then He will bless our countries. Patriots, lovers of their country must put Christ first. My country, right or wrong, is not Christian.

    We must careful my friend; we cannot be misled by anyone telling us that we are approaching a paradise, a new age. The siren song can be very seductive. But we must think and not emote. I wish things were going to get better. Don;t we all. But all the evidence points to things getting worse, much worse. People are not reforming their lives; they are not converting, they are not giving up sin, they are not ceasing to be selfish, dishonest, duplicitous, greedy, licentious etc. Pornography, abortion, contraception, divorce, homosexuality not only abound, but are glorified. God will not be mocked.

    Seek out Bishop Sheen's videos, and please carefully reflect on them. Better yet, dig up some of his books. We are but mere mortals briefly on this earth for a test: am am I going to Heaven or Hell?

    1. This is a great site & the comments are
      absolutely wonderful. ..Blessings from Chicago


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