Sunday 5 January 2020

Solemn Latin Mass for the Feast of the Epiphany for Toronto area Catholics

Dear Catholic friends who live in Toronto. Tomorrow there is a Solemn Latin Mass for the Feast of the Epiphany. Come, let us celebrate the Visit of the Three Kings. 

This great feast has been downplayed in recent years. In other countries, such as Poland, Italy this is not so. The Three Kings have and continue to have incredible importance. 

Bring friends and family if you are able, and remember to pray for all of those involved with the Toronto Traditional Latin Mass Society.


  1. I pray for those in Toronto who attend the Solemn Latin Mass, on the Feast of the Epiphany.

    I remember how transported I felt as a child during this Feast, even though the lights and Christmas trees had been taken down.

    The Wise Men journeyed all that way to worship the baby in Bethlehem, who would die on the cross of Calvary!
    I remember reading a sermon by Father Michel Quoist on these three star-guided maguses from Persia, who were the first pagans to convert to Christianity.

    That was in the 1960s, when Scottish Catholics lived decent God-fearing lives as did Scottish Protestants.

    Who then could have forseen the toxic cloud that has engulfed the Catholic Church; the ruin of so many children by evil men who should never have been priests; the dereliction of the faith in Ireland; the degeneracy and drug-taking among the priesthood in Rome; and the unholiness and moral drift of this broken papacy?

    Pope Leo's dread vision of Satan nearly destroying the church has come to pass. Any cardinal or bishop who continues to deny this is living inside a TV soap.

    Even good men outside Catholicism betray central tenets of revelation.

    I have just listened to a talk by theologian Keith Ward on fundamentalism (YouTube) in which he denies the virgin birth of Jesus!
    At least the so-called fundamentalists like John MacArthur and John Piper are sound on basic doctrine, praise be to God

    The Church of Scotland has become a mouthpiece of our pagan secularised state, and will soon approve sodomite marriage. It is finished as the prophetic voice that once called sinners to repentance.

    Christianity is in ruins; only the Holy Spirit, and the prayers and sacrifices of the faithful, can raise it up again.

    To quote an English poet, the best have lost all conviction, and the worst are full of passionate intensity - the worst being the promoters of modernism, New Age spirituality, Gender Ideology, and LGBT in schools.

    We are in the dark night of the soul, when it is always three o'clock in the morning, in the words of a lapsed and tragic Catholic writer, F. Scott Fitzgerald.

  2. Sunday Sermon - Holy Name - 2020.
    What Catholics Believe. 5 January 2020. (YouTube)

    Father William Jenkins, preaching on the Feast of the Epiphany.

  3. The Irish will march me across O'Connell Bridge in a dunce's hat for calling W.B. Yeats an English poet!
    Yeats, of course, wrote those lines about the worst being full of passionate intensity. It's in his poem *The Second Coming*.

    My mind was on Matthew Arnold's *Dover Beach*, with its image of the Sea of Faith being on the ebb; *But now I only hear/ Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar.*

    Don Cupitt called his death-wish movement The Sea of Faith, but Sea of Unfaith would have been a better name.

    As the Sea of Faith withdraws, gnosticism or Progressive Spirituality is replacing it along with the cults, black magic, Wicca, shamanism, Mindfulness, TM, Tantra, channelling, chakra, Bithaka Yoga and Buddhism ... and the Aquarian church of Pope Francis and those misguided Toronto teachers.

    I feel blessed to be halfway through Bruce Ritchie's evocative biography of Saint Columba of Iona, *The Faith of An Island Soldier*.

    May the Holy Spirit raise up new Columbas, men and women who will be the Western missionaries of the 21st Century!

  4. Reasons for the Catholic laity in Canada to start demanding TOTAL transparency on how their money is being spent ... and why the hierarchy CAN'T be trusted to behave honestly or honourably.

    Watch YouTube:

    The Vortex - Bishops' Billions. (8 January 2020.)
    Church Militant.

    Breaking News: McCarrick Mystery. (10 January 2020.)
    Church Militant.


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