Saturday 4 January 2020

George Weigel: Has the neocon propagandist taken to trying to censor Catholics?

George Weigel is at it again. Church Militant reports that the wealthy Beltway resident, neocon Zionist, Americanist-Catholic, and self-declared "theologian" is warning Catholics to keep away from "unofficial" Catholic news sources. Naturally, Wegiel believes himself to be one of those "official" sources of news, but more importantly opinion. Let there be no mistake Weigel has some very strange opinions. For those who have been following his thought his Catholicism is very heavy on promoting the "liberal democratic political project", and not the social Kingship of Christ. 

Let us now consider this man and a bit of his strange history. Just how did George Wiegel become a "theologian" on a graduate degree (on Karl Rahner), from St. Michael's College at the University of Toronto? I'm sorry, but having a graduate degree from St. Mike's hardly qualifies one as a "theologian" of any standing.

Having disposed of Weigel's "theologian" persona, let us now examine his much more dangerous "socio-political" persona. 

George Weigel graduated in 1975 and went on to lecture at a very low-end seminary in Seattle which closed in the Fall of 1977, for lack of seminarians.  During this time it would seem he was into the proto-neocon "World without War Council" which ironically advocated war to end war! In the mid 80s Weigel made a major step forward and was recruited into the Wilson Center. By whom and for what reason was he recruited? How did Weigel, an obscure "theologian", suddenly became a person of interest in high-=powered political think tanks? 

Within a few short years, Weigel was rubbing shoulders with the political and social elite of Washington D.C. Just what talents and skills does Weigel have to be drawn into the inner circles of some of the most powerful men in America? Is Weigel "their man" to move amongst the exalted circles of the American hierarchy, advocating for Catholic support for the neocon political agenda, with the result that millions of ignorant Catholic voters will cast ballots that favour the militaristic adventurism of American imperialist foreign policy?

Weigel has been a faithful servant of his political mentors and benefactors: churning out hundreds of articles and over 50 books. He has created a cottage industry of mixing politics and his strange brand of Catholicism, and it has proven to be for Weigel, a very profitable cash cow. So profitable it has been that Weigel lives in the wealthy Rockville-North Bethesda neighbourhood in Montgomery County, Maryland, and vacations regularly in his summer cottage in the Outaouais region of western Quebec. Contrast his lifestyle to a US war veteran, disabled for life, suffering PTSD, living in poverty after fighting, and in constant danger of committing suicide. 

The question remains unanswered. Just what did Weigel have to become a: "distinguished fellow" of the neo-con "Ethics and Public Policy Center", the "Project for the New American Century", the "National Endowment for Democracy", the "Friends of Israel Initiative"? What did these recruiters see in George Weigel? Each of these organizations is intrinsically anti-Catholic. Their objectives are not in favour of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. They are all opposed to Christ's Church. 

The various signatories and leaders of these organizations have far from their thoughts, Jesus Christ and His Social Kingship over Society. Pius XI wrote in Quas Primas that Our Lord should be publicly recognized by the State, is absolutely anathema to men such as Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams, Robert Kagan, Aaron Friedberg, I. Lewis Libby, Carl Gershman (interestingly once an "officer" of the "Young People's Socialist League) and so on....

Just how many neo-cons hanker for state control/soc?
Neo-conservatives like socialists, 
advocate secular messianism and globalism

There is no incongruity between socialism and neo-conservatism. Both are secular and promote a materialistic messianism. As with Karl Marx and David Ricardo, so too with the socialists and neo-conservatives. The "disagreements" are an "in-house" dispute. What is not disputed is: secularism, messianism and globalism imbued with a virulent anti-Christian worldview. One would have to be a complete fool to think that (e.g.) William Kristol of the PNAC and the EPPC (both of which Wiegel belongs to) thinks in terms of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Sovereign King. What is it in Weigel these globalist neocon ideologues see? What service does he offer them? 

Assorted neo-con war mongers who are - in varying degrees -responsible
for the death of hundreds of thousands in the Iraq War and around the world

George Weigel has consistently advocated for wars of aggression, sponsored by neo-cons and the Zionist State of Israel. Weigel even had the audacity to claim that Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI were wrong in their assessments of the Middle East situation. The never-ending blood bath has since proved the two Popes correct. Weigel rejected the Popes and supported the criminal invasion of Iraq that led to the virtual destruction of that ancient civilization, and the deaths of over 200,000 civilians, millions living in poverty, and fear of constant violence and death. Nearly 5000 American boys have died for this disgusting foreign war, with tens of thousands suffering life-long PTSD (estimated at 30%); not too mention broken families, suicide (about 2 dozen per day) and poverty when they returned to the States. The leading war criminals who prosecuted this war are free to this day, feted by the controlled media, and live in luxury. 

America's Blood and Treasure being sacrificed in vain for foreign wars

Weigel's bizarre political positions and go back years, as a devoted exponent of the "liberal democratic project", and consistent supporter of aggression and imperialism serving the neocons. goes back many years. For example he even signed the neo-con 1997 PNAC "Statement of Principles" which included the following text:

The PNAC "Statement of Principles" 

The 1997 Signatories of the PNAC 

Friends, keep far away from the enigmatic and contradictory George Weigel who on the one hand speaks of reading the lives of the saints, yet has devoted his much of life as a propagandist for a violent political ideology that is far from the Mind of Christ. 

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God".
(Mt 5:9) 


  1. He graduated the same year I did. At St. Mike's, during that period, you had the neo-Nazi Paul Fromm and a student chapter of the John Birch Society that invited holocaust denier Ernst Zundel to the college to expound his views. Across campus, at my college, I was confronted by a clique of sons and daughters of Paperclip Nazis. My college don was likely a CIA recruiter. The lot of them converged on St. Mike's to drink Zundel's koolaid. I refused the invitation and got booted from the kool kid's klub. I'm just not comfortable in jackboots.

  2. My error.

    Deep Throat spoke his famous line to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, played by Robert Redford.


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