Sunday 7 July 2024

WHO'S "IN" AND WHO'S "OUT"? ~ Why are raving perverts and heretics "in", but Vigano "out"?

Most readers by now will be aware that Archbishop Vigano is "out". We have it on the authority of "osculating" Cardinal Fernandez of noted occult sex-magick infamy. 

Let us see, shall we, who - presently - is "in":

Well it's Jimmy Martin S.J...

My, my, what have we here? Notice how this was all covered up...

Oh dear, giddy Gilles Mongeau S.J., in his "rainbow" colours...


Ah yes, the effeminate Dan Horan....

...and colleagues...


Hmm....what is reducing Tommy Rosica O.S.B. to giggles....?


...let's check out the "Franciscan" outreach...


May we share the laugh, oh false prophets?


Since Tom Rosica loves the lime light, let's see what else he has been up to over the years...

Looks like Tommy's just been informed he's been "caught"...

Now where else in history have we seen a "crooked cross"...?

My, my what have we here...?

Oh dear, it seems like Tommy Rosica just can't stop posing for the cameras....

Always laughing it up....nauseating narcissism.

Dear friends, any further commentary would be superfluous....

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