Monday 19 July 2021

Thank-you Cardinal Collins for being a Father to ALL Catholics


To Cardinal Collins we address our prayerful gratitude that he acted like a father, a pastor, and with Christian charity and justice.

For we have heard that yesterday in other dioceses, contrary to charity and justice, Holy Masses were either stopped, or the faithful were told there would be no more after yesterdays' Mass. It is reliably reported that in many places men, women, and children were openly weeping. Priests were weeping in the Sanctuary. Altar boys were physically supporting priests who struggled to say Mass, such was their spiritual torment.

Dear friends, raise your hearts and souls to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for these suffering souls who have had the Mass ripped from them. Pray for terrorized priests who now live in agony, and fear of persecution. Pray for your bishop. 

Pray especially for the Pope that the spirit of "Ahab" be driven from his heart.  "Christians are those who let God clothe them with goodness and mercy, with Christ, so as to become, like Christ, servants of God and others" has written Francis. We ask: has he just out of his own mouth condemned himself?

St. Elijah, pray for us. 

Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us.  


  1. Viva Cristo Rey20 July 2021 at 15:17

    This does not change what has happened over the past 16 months and things could still change.

    However, you are right we should pray in thanksgiving that it hasn't happened yet. Let us pray that it doesn't happen at all.

    Our Lady of Sorrows, ora pro nobis.

  2. You speak too soon! Anything can happen. We are less than 1 week since the bomb was dropped. If we are lucky, nothing will change.


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