Tuesday 16 March 2021

What Cardinal Collins is NOT telling you about "Vaccines" ~ How the Catholic Church has been co-opted by the Pharma-Industrial Complex


Cardinal Collins moments after speaking beautifully about the Sacred Heart, then informed Catholics they should take (even if we place abortion to one side, WHICH WE CANNOT!), experimental drugs (the most questionable being the mRNA and DNA gene therapies) for a virus that is not a danger to 99%+ of the population. We have the CDC's word for it: 

The following is the Cardinal urging Catholics to take these experimental, abortion-linked drugs."I strongly urge EVERYONE to get vaccinated...", the Cardinal says.


Everyone, Your Eminence? Infants, children, youth, women with child, healthy people?



These are serious questions about these experimental gene therapies that CANNOT be scoffed off. Even more so, when there is a huge push to inject them into young, healthy organisms who are in no more danger from Covid than Influenza. Yet the Bishops of Canada are hell bent on coming out as Agents of the government and the Pharma-Industrial Complex. 


For a full report and analysis of the moral implications of Cardinal Collins' decision to promote these unethical and dangerous "vaccines", I urge all readers to visit Vox Cantoris. 

It should be noted that the betrayal of the pro-life movement is not just amongst Catholics, but also amongst the separated brethren. The following video, though focusing on leading American protestants who have betrayed the pro-life cause, applies equally to Cardinals and bishops who urge their faithful to take these abortion-linked gene therapies. Their questions could easily be asked of any bishop. Indeed, of the Pope himself.

 Cardinal Collins you can do better than being an apparatchnik for the Absolutist State. The very people you decry for pushing euthanasia on Canada, you trust with telling us the truth about not only Covid (which they are NOT), but also about these "safe" and "harmless" drugs (again, which they are NOT. Otherwise why has the Pharma-Industrial Complex had legislation passed excluding them from any legal liability in case of injury or death?).  C'mon, man!!


  1. There is a typo on the first line. Please change the word ‘Scared’ to ‘Sacred’.

  2. I totally agree with you on this. One of the main reasons I don't intend taking this experimental vaccine is precisely what you highlight, namely that I wouldn't believe the Hail Mary uttered by the majority of Western governments. The more they bully and push (and, of course, lie) the more determined I am to refuse. I'd like to add that I'm no anti vaxer. My daughter was given all her vaccinations in her early childhood. However,she reacted very badly to the first dose of the hpv and, consequently, did not take the booster; she also spent 10 days in isolation after receiving one of the vaccines for travel in the east. Unfortunately, as a nurse she had to take an anti flu jab and was very ill flowing it. She dreads having to take the Covid jab, but no doubt the good cardinal would think her very selfish indeed, as would the pope.

  3. The gene therapy treatment (it is not a vaccine, by definition) is causing abnormal reactions and deaths. They track this, but don’t report it. Here’s two week old data (and climbing.



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