Saturday 13 March 2021

Did Cardinal Collins just call out the Toronto Catholic School Board for DENYING Jesus Christ? YES HE DID!


Cardinal Collins once again raised the issue of those who profess "false gospels that are based upon a vision of Christianity that is just not real". 

It is inconceivable that Cardinal Collins is unaware of the Board's latest vote last Thursday March 4th, when in a 12-0 act of cowardice and betrayal, voted to  established an outreach to - NOT those with same-sex attraction - but using the language of gender ideology, to those of the “LGBT community”; and then in a 9-3 vote, openly rejected the Gospels for a "false gospel" by rejecting a delegation from a father of children who quoted from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In rejecting the Catechism, the treacherous trustees rejected the Teaching Authority of the Church.

As he ended his homily the Cardinal then referenced amongst the great evils spreading across Canada, that of gender ideology, and the transsexual movement, and the denial of the reality of "male and female He created them" (Gen 5:2; Mt 19:4; Mk 10:6). 

Cardinal Collins: 

"We've got a strange thing on conversion therapy, which is not really about that. It is about other things. We've all kinds of forces around us in this world where black is white, and down is up...".  "Whoever is not with me is against me, whoever does not gather with me, scatters"(Matt 12:30). Thus says the Lord.


  1. Having listened to that sermon also, I would respectfully disagree with your impression. We don't know who he is thinking of, but he certainly didn't "call out" any group of people by name. He should do that, however.

  2. The Cardinal has been referring to gender ideology over the pat few weeks as another gave evil being thrust upon society. The purpose of my rhetorical title is the "push" the Cardinal to name them by name, to call them out publicly as evil malefactors, spiritual child abusers, and indeed heretics, apostates.

  3. Name the evils for goodness sake and stop the generalities like "the resilience of evil". We need you to be courageous at this late hour.

  4. Too little too late. He silenced and cancelled priests who expressed concerns about this nefarious ideology almost a decade ago and as recently as six months ago. Vague generalities are of no help. Moral relativism is the order of the day in Catholic schools. He can denounce these "errors" all he wants. The teachers for the most part espouse the ideology and so do the priests. If they don't, they're too scared to speak up. He has painted himself into a corner. Too bad, so sad. If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. He ignored and demonized his most faithful supporters among the clergy and laity. Too late. Should have cleaned house a long time ago. What a legacy!

  5. Can the writer at 21:40 elaborate on the statement that he cancelled priests who expressed concerns about the TCDSB? I've been watching the situation closely but I wasn't aware that he personally silenced any priests on the issue. (If that is the case, then the situation with the TCDSB is even worse than I thought). -A Parent

    1. A parent, priests and lay people who expressed concerns over the direction taken by the school boards over the years were routinely ignored and in some cases, punished. It's been a long descent to the point where the public and separate schools are really indistinguishable. The battle for decent catechisms is a long one and those who can have retreated to home schooling. Dereliction of duty has brought us to this point. This is to say nothing of who teaches the teachers to teach religion....

  6. Anonymous at 23:13:

    I am not certain if Anon at 21:40 is speaking generally or about a specific priest from a "decade ago." What I can assure you is that the Cardinal ordered diocesan lay spokesman, Mr. Neil MacCarthy to ensure that nobody got out of hand at the pulpit. I was told by numerous that on the matter of "gay-straight alliances" and the discussion with the lesbian premier that they were "handing it." Priests were ordered by Neil MacCarthy not to preach on the matter in any way. I know this for a fact that I was told this by more than one priest and I testify to it.

    Regrettably, I must remain, "anonymous."

    1. Regrettably, many of us must remain anonymous. Yes, the chancery or pastoral centre officials always knew and know best. They haven't a clue about subsidiarity and like good communists they operate a command sacramental economy. Nei McCarthy, the de facto voice of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Toronto responded to a letter that a group of priests had addressed to their bishop. School boards are now punishing teachers who uphold the integrity of Catholic doctrine. They suffer the same fate as the exceptionally few priests who have the courage to address this and other issues. Board officials pay lip service to the Faith; bishops it seems, are not much better but they have no excuse. As it all unravels, communications directors increasingly assume the role of propaganda ministers. It's all a matter of perception management.

  7. Can readers see the letter that Neil McCarthy sent to the priests ordering them not to preach against gay-straight alliance clubs? You can post it anonymously. -A Parent


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