Monday 19 June 2017

VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Fr. John O'Connor: "Homosexuality is a Learned Condition" (Part 3)

Fr. John O'Connor, O.P.
We present the third part of "The Homosexual Conspiracy against the Catholic Church, by Fr. John O'Connor.

In this third installment, Fr. O' Connor discusses the reality that homosexual behaviour is a learned condition, an activity that is unnatural, and most times conditioned through child abuse and/or premature exposure of children to sexuality during their latency period - for example, pornography or sex education (which over the past few decades is a form of legalized pornography). 

Readers may know that Father O'Connor was a Dominican priest from Chicago, until he was suspended and then expelled from the Order for exposing homosexual infiltration in the Church - especially in the Dominican Order. 

Part Four, "The Gay Liberation Movement and Pedophilia" may be viewed Here. 

1 comment:

  1. What happened to him after he was unjustly expelled?


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