Sunday 12 March 2017

Deacon Adrian Martens of the Personal Ordinariate of St. Peter to be ordained to the Sacred Priesthood!

From Father Lee Kenyon, of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter comes the joyful news about the upcoming ordination of Deacon Adrian Martens. 

The gift of Pope Benedict XVI to the Church keeps on giving, with his prophetic Apostolic Constitution, Anglicanorum Coetibus, which made real Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering into full communion with the one, true Church of Christ. 

It is with great pleasure that I am now able to share something which Deacon Martens and I have been trying very hard to keep to ourselves for several months, but has now been announced by Bishop Lopes to the Governing Council of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter, which on Thursday morning. 

Both Deacon and I were in attendance at that meeting as members of the Governing Council. With the permission and dispensation of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, Deacon Martens will, Deo volente, be ordained to the Sacred Priesthood by The Most Reverend Steven Lopes in his Cathedral Church of Our Lady of Walsingham, Houston, on Friday 29th June 2017. Further details will be published in June, including the details of his First Mass at St John’s.

This is cause for great rejoicing for Adrian, Maira, Hannah, Raphael, the babe on the way, and for the parish family at St John's. Please do offer a Te Deum in thanksgiving for this happy news. The soon-to-be Father Martens will be incardinated in the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter, and will continue to serve at St John’s, in addition to serving as Chancellor and in other offices within the Diocese of Calgary. 

It is our intention to purchase a set of vestments (chasuble, stole, maniple, burse and chalice veil) for Deacon Martens as a gift from the parish and its friends. The cost will be around $1,300, and if you would like to make a donation it can be made out to ‘St John the Evangelist, Calgary’ with a note in the memo line of your cheque. If you cannot contribute in this way, your prayers are just as precious. Please feel free to spread this good news!

If you would like to contribute to the purchase of vestments for Deacon Martens, please contact St. John the Evangelist Parish in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

The Very Reverend Lee Kenyon EV


  1. Too bad he isn't ordained in traditional rites by a bishop with traditional holy orders.

  2. A secret well kept, and well announced! Thanks, Barona, for the great news!

    @Anonymous (22:16) - Have you ever been to an Ordinariate Mass, i.e., Divine Worship (DW)? More than a few of our local Latin Mass (EF) enthusiasts attend the daily Ordinariate Liturgy here in Victoria, BC. They find it appropriately traditional, as do I. It's Sarum Rite elements, which predate the Tridentine reform, are beautiful.

  3. I agree Anonymous 22:16. I think Deacon Martens should be ordained in one of the truly traditional rites from the first few centuries coming from the east, rather than one of the more modern, evolving and newer Latin rites of the West It is time we truly become traditional and return to our original rites rather than the 1000 years plus of growth that developed in the pre-1968 ritual. In fact, I think all priest should henceforth be ordained exactly as in the New Testament: a simple laying on of hands. Then we can truly be "traditional".

    1. The pre-1950 Latin Rite Holy Week is the oldest tradition in all of Christendom.
      The Latin rite had its own rite of holy orders.

  4. Isten Joe,

    Thank you for your splendid support of this great news. I attend the Ordinariate Mass when I am in Calgary. I agree with you as to its beauty and history. Yes, the Sarum elements are wonderful. Pope Benedict XVI is to be thanked for this incredible gift to the Church.


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