Monday 7 December 2015

Dominican University College in Ottawa ~ why does its website carry PRO-ABORTION propaganda?

Is being pro-abortion one of the policies of the Dominican University College (DUC); a Canadian Catholic university? If not, why do they carry pro-abortion propaganda on their website? I wish to thank a reader who alerted me to this outrage. 

Pro-abortion blog post written by Iva Apostolova

The President of the university, Maxime Allard O.P., has this to say about DUC in his "message": 

DUC is a member of a strong global community of Dominican houses of studies at prestigious universities throughout the world such as the Blackfriars, Oxford, the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, and l’École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem.

The DUC claims that it has a "rich and vibrant Catholic, Dominican, tradition..." Does it? Dear readers, you be the judge. Apostolova writes the following:

"...for reproductive rights..."
Perhaps this priest (?) Maxime Allard, who is dressed as a layman may enlighten us as to why a Catholic university carries propaganda for "reproductive rights"?  This shocking example explains why there is no real resistance to abortion - when we have treachery from the Catholic hierarchy, religious Orders and clergy on the issue of our time. 

Abortion is the Holocaust: satanic, genocidal, brutal, vicious, sadistic. Yet here we have churchmen sitting by doing nothing. Where are the Dominicans, where is Archbishop Prendergast? 

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