Saturday 12 December 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Mary Wagner was arrested this morning at a Toronto abortion facility

A killing factory in an innocuous looking medical building

This morning, on December 12th, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, our dear sister in Christ, Mary Wagner, was arrested by Toronto Police for entering the Bloor West Village Women's Clinic - an abortion facility -and gently suggesting to expectant mothers to opt for life, rather than go through with killing their baby. Mary entered the facility at about 9:10 a.m., shortly after it opened this Saturday morning, armed only with the love of Our Lord and roses. Two police cruisers from Division 11 arrived shortly after 10 a.m. Mary was escorted off the premises. The police left, but the cruisers lurked at a nearby corner. She returned again to the mill. The two cruisers sped once more to the entrance of the building. At about 10:30 a.m., as Mary was led out in handcuffs, we called out to her: "God bless you, Our Lady keep you". She was placed in the back of a cruiser and driven to Division 11. 

Earlier, Mary had attended Mass at a local church, preparing herself for the upcoming confrontation with evil. Mary was accompanied by a small group of supporters who quietly prayed and were ready to assist any mothers who would change her mind. 

Mary's roses - for expectant mothers
Mary will be held in the local police station tonight, before a court appearance tomorrow, Sunday, December 13th, at 10 a.m. in Room 111, at Old City Hall, Toronto for a bail hearing, which Mary will refuse. If Mary is charged, she will then be transfered to the Vanier Centre for Women in Milton, Ontario - a small town just west of Toronto. Mary will be joining Linda Gibbons for Christmas, both of them will reside in maximum security. Linda, arrested on September 2nd, 2015, is still in prison pending trial this coming January 16th, 2016, in Toronto. 

The police on the scene - inside, arresting Mary
Mary asks all who read this to keep their focus on the unborn children and their mothers; that the mothers will be moved to have a change of heart and repentance.

Please, dear friends and readers, pray for our angels of life, that their courageous witness for the Christ Child - especially before Christmas - will result in lives saved, hearts softened, souls converted. 


  1. I'm an American. I am appalled at what Canada is doing. These arrests are an egregious assault on Canada's people. Does Canada not believe in liberty and freedom of speech for it's citizens??
    Here is one yankee that will not bring tourist dollars to Canada, as long as people are persecuted for their beliefs. This is SHAMEFUL.

    1. It's called trespassing. I'm completely 100% prolife, and think what she did the first time is fine. End of the day it's private property so once she was asked to leave she must leave and when he returned a second time she deserves to be arrested. No different than someone standing on your front step and refusing to leave.

    2. There is not freedom of expression in England nor any of her possessions. Canada being one of them.

  2. Well done, somebody standing up for their conscience.

  3. Kathleen- it is not a "an assault on" her liberties. This is an admirable act of non-violent resistance to the over-whelming evil of abortion. Marching in front of abortion mills is not enough, we need a million Marys, in the US and Canada, who will commit acts of Non-Violence to disrupt the killing of babies in the womb.

    Tim Heller, MSW, MA PastoralTheology

  4. anonymous 20:36. Please consider your reasoning and apply it to any other life and death situation. There is a huge difference between someone standing on your front lawn and refusing to leave and someone standing on your front lawn trying to stop you from murdering someone.


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