Wednesday 21 October 2015

BREAKING: Bishop Białasik: Cardinals and bishops have been scheming to change doctrine as part of a conspiracy with anti-Catholic international organizations

The Polish Bishops' Episcopal Conference website, published today the following words of the utmost gravity from Bishop Krzysztof Białasik, that there is a possible group of cardinals and bishops who have been scheming - under the influence of international organizations - to undermine the doctrine of the Church. Just recently His Excellency denounced abortion as a "holocaust on a global scale", and that it was a "third world war" on the unborn. Who is this extraordinary man? A true Pastor of Souls, who has also banned the distribution of Holy Communion on the hand in his diocese. 

(translation: Toronto Catholic Witness. You may use, but you must credit us). 


Bishop Białasik: At the Synod there were certain topics that should not have been discussed

The Synod of Bishops was a wonderful experience of the universality of the Church, but it also had its weak side. Many important family matters were not taken up, said Polish bishop missionary from Bolivia, Krzysztof Białasik. He claimed that many beautiful words were expressed at the Synod, it was a valuable witness, but family issues were not exhausted. In the opinion of  Bishop Białasik, there was an unnecessary preoccupation with issues not associated with the gathering. 

Bishop Białasik: 

"In my opinion it is sad that we consumed so much time on issues that the Synod should not have been touching, because those issues are of a different nature. It surprised me that there is a particular group of cardinals and bishops who have spoken out not always properly on issues of the family, interjecting issues that should  be considered in another situation; especially Communion for the divorced and homosexualism. These are other problems, problems that are either doctrinal, or [problems] that have been artificially conceived to destroy the family. These are exactly the matters promoted by various international organizations, in the first place from the USA and Western Europe. But it is surprising that they also have an influence on certain bishops. I do not know what is behind all this; but, if there is such a group of cardinals or bishops, and there is, it means that something is standing behind all of this. This is what pains me the most, that there can exist such people amongst the bishops". 

[UPDATED: 1.11.2015. Bishops sign COP-21 appeal. SILENT on abortion!]


  1. I believe the question has to be put to each bishop bluntly: "Are you now, or have you ever had homosexual inclinations, or acted upon those feelings?"

    I suspect many of them are. Many in VERY HIGH places are. IT's time to expose them openly.

  2. Thank you, Bishop Bialasik. I searched for a website I could use to thank you today, but haven't found one. I have no ability to lie to myself, like so many Catholics do today, can not pretend that I do not see it. Thank you for saying these words.

    These men have been at work since before V II. We have been warned by holy popes, our Lady, prophets, and... the authors of this coup themselves, who set out to destroy the Church by infiltration - and bragged about it openly.

    Such sorrow...

    Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas

  3. A question that has been eating at me - Are they blackmailing the pope? After all, this is their modus operandi. They wanted him after JPII death already. Is he trapped? If so, he should reveal it all ASAP.
    This is devious, so in our faces. He talks about inverted pyramids, denies a conspiracy, always speaks from both sides of his mouth... Is he crying out for help?

  4. It's not at all hard to find "international organizations" wielding undue influence on the Church:

    We need to remind ourselves that the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend, and can lure us into crime.

  5. Good grief, it's about time someone said it openly, albeit in tame language. And a prelate, too. There's hope. Appears that the Slavic bishops, along with the Africans, are on the front lines. Needs to be many more. And priests need to start being vocal. No more silence.

  6. DO PRAY for him I beg you! He is under attack in his Diocese of Oruro by a group of priests with same sex attraction. He is rejected by the people for exactly being CORRECT! And I wouldn't be surprised if he is also despised by other bishops in Bolivia.

    Thank you.

  7. Yes I will pray for him. Anyone standing up against the gay agenda is subject to persecution. This is a great post Barona. It's clear there's a battle going on within the synod. We must pray the true Catholic churchmen win. I don't think Pope Francis is anyone's pawn. He didn't accept the questionable Mid-term report as part of the official documents of the Synod 14. That means the heresy that arose last year has no canonical status whatsoever. Poof! It doesn't exist. I'm sure he'll do the same this year if they produce something out in left base. There is no doubt that there is a group of cardinals and even archbishop from the U.S. who are completely blinded and really think we should give communion to stable homosexual relationships and divorced/remarried. They also believe the fact that they are being allowed to participate in this synod means that the Church will decentralize and turn each bishop's conference into a local pope. Bah. Won't happen. But they are trying to live that way. Witness that remark from Cardinal Marx, "We are not a subsidiary of Rome." That's schism. Meanwhile the pope is keeping a tight rein on the synod, which is only created to advice him, and has no canonical status whatsoever, unless the pope gives it to them. In fact in his closing remarks last year, he said very pointedly that the pope himself was the guardian of the process. And Pope Francis has said that they can't give communion to divorced remarried. He's looking for something else that might satisfy the German bishops, keep them in the Church, but won't deny the Deposit of Faith. we'll probably find out what soon enough. God bless you. Susan Fox


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