Tuesday 1 September 2015

The Pharisees were lovers of money...

"They have the buildings, we have the Faith" St. Athanasius

"The Pharisees were lovers of money and sneered at Him"
Luke 16:14

How many times the inevitable issue of money comes up in the rich, decadent church in the "west". The ubiquitous "donate here" link, or some building project, fancy banquet, or fund raiser that needs your money. 

However, one place on earth - where they do not have fancy banquets, nor buildings, nor money, nor the tax exempt status of a "registered charity"(is that perhaps why we barely hear a peep from our bishops on abortion??)
- is the Church in Africa. 

Yes, Our Lord's beloved Africa has the Faith. The decadent "west" first came for the African's body. Now, in an even more sinister twist they return for the African's soul. 

The wealthy decadent, western  "church"
As such, it is no surprise that whereas in Europe and North America, where the mad push by clerical-political careerists is on for the acceptance of the Adulterist and Homosexualist Parties at the upcoming Synod of the Family in October - in faithful Africa, we have bishop after bishop denouncing the decadent "west" for chasing after the world, the flesh and the devil: following idols, a false conception of Natural Law and with it a false sexual ethic, and a false compassion and mercy. 

A modern "sister" in all her glory
Perhaps the most egregious example (but many, many can be found in Canada, or any other corrupt local church) of the lust for money by modern-day Pharisees is the wealthy, gorged and disgustingly rich church in Germany. However, this multi-billion dollar behemoth (which even invests in pornography) has a problem. Catholics are leaving in droves, and the exquisitely lucrative "church tax" will eventually dry up the huge flow of money. Playing the false compassion and mercy card, to try to keep lapsed Catholics registered as tax payers, is one such trick these super-wealthy churchmen will undertake at the upcoming Synod. Look for fireworks from faithful Africa and a few other episcopal conferences in defending Christ and the sanctity and indissolubility of marriage...

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