Friday 25 September 2015

Pope John Paul II before the United Nations twenty years ago ~ October 5, 1995

"As a Christian, my hope and trust are centered on Jesus Christ, the two thousandth anniversary of whose birth will be celebrated at the coming of the new millennium. We Christians believe that in his Death and Resurrection were fully revealed God's love and his care for all creation. Jesus Christ is for us God made man, and made a part of the history of humanity. Precisely for this reason, Christian hope for the world and its future extends to every human person. Because of the radiant humanity of Christ, nothing genuinely human fails to touch the hearts of Christians. Faith in Christ does not impel us to intolerance. On the contrary, it obliges us to engage others in a respectful dialogue. Love of Christ does not distract us from interest in others, but rather invites us to responsibility for them, to the exclusion of no one and indeed, if anything, with a special concern for the weakest and the suffering. Thus, as we approach the two thousandth anniversary of the birth of Christ, the Church asks only to be able to propose respectfully this message of salvation, and to be able to promote, in charity and service, the solidarity of the entire human family".

The full text may be read here. 

1 comment:

  1. It makes me want to weep for the souls that have been lost at the hands of the bad shepherds we have now. WHO will proclaim the truth?

    Well, there are a few and they are demoted and exiled.

    The comfortable Catholics are on the broad road that leads to perdition. And the ones allowed to continue or be confirmed in their sin will take those whose responsibility it is to warn them, with them on that broad road.

    The narrow road has more and more thorns and sorrows...


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