Saturday 23 May 2015

When Irish eyes are crying.... Ireland commits apostasy and as a State, enters the camp of Satan

The referendum in once Catholic Ireland on homosexual "marriage" has returned a "yes" result. Irish Catholics, mostly nominal and very poorly catechized - if at all - (Irish bishops take note of your handiwork) have delivered a final death blow to their own nation. What British Protestantism, and its lackey, the Orange Order could not achieve in hundreds of years of persecution, soi-disant Catholics accomplished within a generation.

The Church in Ireland too, will go down in history as party to this latest horror; cowardly churchmen, traitorous and evil churchmen, all played a role in bringing moral ruin on Ireland. Let there be no mistake: the evils such as contraception, divorce and pre-natal infanticide (is that not a far better descriptor for abortion?) wormed their way into the country, preparing it for this abomination. Upon those evils too, churchmen, at best whimpered nominal opposition. All that remains is the "legalization" of paedophila and bestiality (and these are coming, let us not be naive).

Pray for Ireland. Also pray for those good Catholics and Christians who did not capitulate, who were not seduced by the siren's cry of the vile media and its super wealthy, internationalist controllers. And make no mistake, behind this human evil lurks the diabolical. The master manipulator has a name, his name is Satan. 


  1. The fact that it was mostly boys that were abused by Catholic priests tells us that the Church's sexual abuse scandal was precipitated by homosexuals. In an ironic twist of logic the sodomite lobby then used the scandal to demand "tolerance" for homosexual acts.

    1. Not an 'ironic twist of logic', but just retribution. 2/3rds of Ireland were tired of being preached to by 'men in frocks' who tried to tell them "Do as I tell you, not as I do."

  2. very sad this but, the fact is that it is prophesied that evil will overtake the world almost totally before the coming of the Lord in Glory as the just judge, homosexual acts are an abomination before God and many have been consigned to the flames already,
    Sodom and Gomorrah were right to be destroyed, but it is nothing compared to the judgement and conflagration that is coming to the people of this world, the good will die with the bad and the survivors will envy the dead.....

  3. "the dye was cast"
    Dye is not cast because it is liquid. The die are cast because they are little cubes with spots. Alea iacta est refers to dice.

  4. I am deeply ashamed of the Irish, from whom I regret, I am descended. But this referendum is just the beginning!! You may not be aware that there is talk of a vote to stop the executions of Children who curse their parent!!! in direct contradiction to Jesus' own words in
    Matthew 15:4, God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother:
    and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
    And Mark 7:10, Moses said, Honor thy father and thy mother;
    and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

    Although I doubt that even the people of Ireland will be prepared to back this evil, the fact that it is even being discussed is alarming!!!
    I very much fear for Ireland's future.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Not an 'ironic twist of logic', but just retribution. 2/3rds of Ireland were tired of being preached to by 'men in frocks' who tried to tell them "Do as I tell you, not as I do."

    You forgot to mention that those "men in frocks" were "gays" who infiltrated the Catholic priesthood.

    We're constantly told that people are born "gay." Well, no one is born a priest.

    If a man is "gay," why is he entering the priesthood? Could it possibly be... my goodness... in order to try to destroy?

    A "gay" trying to destroy something? Good grief, we can't admit to something like that now, can we?


  6. Codex said...
    I am deeply ashamed of the Irish, from whom I regret, I am descended. But this referendum is just the beginning!! You may not be aware that there is talk of a vote to stop the executions of Children...

    Oh, no, you've got that quite wrong. The Irish are not going to stop the executions of children.

    On the contrary, they will begin killing children now in earnest. Those who promote "gay" marriage are notoriously among the most ardent supporters of child killing, otherwise known as abortion.

    So you can rest easy that child killing will still go on. Your "fear" for Ireland's future is unfounded in that regard.



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