Tuesday 27 January 2015

The Silent Calls for Peace: will there be peace while abortion is legal?

A very interesting reflection on the inter-relationship between peace and abortion. St. Augustine defines peace as " the tranquility of order". It should be self-evident to those who cherish truth over "freedom", that there is no order, and hence no peace. "The truth will set you free". Society, the entire social order, is founded on the Truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pope Leo XIII defines true liberty as a "power perfecting man". That which does not perfect us, lead us to our final end (Heaven), is license, not liberty. Most of the "western" world, obsessed with this false notion of "liberty" does not understand this. They want to be "free" from God, from His Commandments...

A society that has legalized abortion is one that is not free, not at liberty, not rightly ordered. Such a society contains within itself the poison of its own destruction. The culture of death is self-destructive; it is cannibalistic, it is anti-conceptive, it consumes and is consuming itself through its own hatred of life. 

The pastor of the Nativity of Our Lady, in Siemysłow, Father Peter Bałtarowicz, has sent an appeal to the 57 heads of state in the world asking for the release of Mary Wagner. Personally, I have no special illusions regarding seeking the intervention of politicians. It would not be unusual, if even a few of them responded to this appeal. But as we know, extraordinary phenomena happen ... 

For people of good will, I can hope for that much.  It is precisely through their prayer that Fr. Peter's petition will be noticed and perhaps cause a few people to reflect.

Let's face it, when it comes to the leaders of European and North American countries  (i.e. developed countries), these are the people who have stopped recognizing every person's right to life and to freedom of expression. The persecution of people of conscience is not something they will not only not react to, but it is also in some manner allowed and justified. It is no secret that for the President of the United States, abortion is a basic human right. So I have no illusions about the views that represent the world leaders.

However, I believe that extraordinary situations, miracles, which many of us believe in, can happen. I am convinced that Father Peter Bałtarowicz's appeal rests on the prayer of so many people. And I believe that every prayer on such an important issue as the defense of life is heard. Nothing can be achieved by oneself, but sincere action supported by people of conscience with fervent prayer, will among the world leaders make born the will to change the approach to the issue of life. I believe that one day people will understand that people like Mary Wagner are the hope of our civilization, and especially for the communities for which they are responsible.  

In our national parliament, the Sejm established that 2015 be dedicated to Saint. Pope John Paul II. It would seem that the politicians would pay more attention and take up the issue of the protection of life. Sadly, January shows that it is empty words.  Just as the Sejm announces the year of John Paul II, proposed legislation is legitimized by parliament, that introduces murderous pills. To our daily intentions we should include should include the request of a lessening of the amount of hypocrisy in the work of our politicians. 

Pope John Paul II begged the world for peace. Mary Wagner responds to this call. Recall the words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who said: "If a mother can kill her child, what will stop you and me, that we will not kill each other." If someone wants peace, they should be the first to stand up and say "NO" to the massacring of the weakest. Allowing for the fact that the most vulnerable are killed will result in more and more people despising each other and start killing simply because the other person in their opinion is a mere object.  Do we know now why there are so many wars in the world?  Or why are we so far away from world peace?

(Translation: Barona)

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