Thursday 13 November 2014

Holy See Press Office priest - Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB - claims bishops at Synod drew analogy between separated brethren and those living intrinsically evil lifestyles

Thomas Rosica,
Holy See Press Office English language spokesman,
CEO of Salt and Light Catholic Media
It is hard to believe that anyone could claim there be an analogy between separated Christian brethren, and those living an intrinsically evil lifestyle. Yet, Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, in an address to the US bishops, claims that bishops at the Synod drew such an analogy between sins of an "irregular" nature, (presumably e.g., homosexuality and adultery) per their falling short of holy matrimony, and the Catholic Church and - let us say - eastern Orthodoxy. This blog has already raised serious questions about the Holy See Press Office being a mouthpiece for the Adulterist and Homosexualist Parties within the Church. 

What possible element of goodness found in a practicing homosexual's or adulterer's "irregular" (this actually means sin) lifestyle is in spite of, not because of the evil relationship. The adulterer may well perform good deeds, but the relationship will always and everywhere be intrinsically evil. There is no good in adultery, nor in homosexuality. Indeed, we are aware of the "mid-term report" - it contained references to '"irregular" situations' that were truly evil. How can one possibly suggest that good can be found in the evil of the practice of homosexuality, or adultery? These outrageous panderings to grave evils, have been rightly denounced by Bishop Athanasius Schneider as a "neopagan ideology". The only "presence of God" in these situations is a call to repentance. 

 IMPORTANT UPDATE: [2014-11-14] Vox Cantoris carries important information from Fr. Paul Check of Courage on the Homosexualist Party's manipulation of the Synod. His account runs counter to that of Fr. Rosica, or the claims made by Alicia Ambrosio (an employee of Salt and Light TV, run by CEO Rosica) on the Agenda and Vatican Connections.  

Recently, Rosica has addressed the issue of what he calls an "irregular" family. An analysis of this can be read  here. In this instance, it was the Holy Family!!

Rosica states: 

Just as Vatican II taught that elements of truth and holiness can be found outside the Catholic Church, in other Christian denominations and even in other religions, some members of the recent Extraordinary Synod of Bishops suggested once again that elements of truth, goodness and even holiness may be detected and even found in some imperfect yet very real situations of daily life: situations that fall far short of the ideals of the sacred institution of Catholic marriage. I am sure you know of the intense debates that followed the first, mid-term report of what happened in the Synod Aula! Numerous Synod fathers questioned the validity of the analogy of “subsistit in” in relation to sacramental marriage and those living in “irregular” situations. Nevertheless, no one can deny the dynamic conversations that took place among us at the Synod as we sought to find a vocabulary and expression to name the new situations of our time and find the presence of God in them.

The full talk can be read here. 

1 comment:

  1. "...Just as Vatican II taught that elements of truth and holiness can be found outside the Catholic Church,....".

    Rosica resorts to "conciliar-speak". This is the standard modus loquendi of his Modernist ilk. These elements of truth, such as conservation of Sacred Scripture by the Protestants or the Sacraments by the Orthodox are actually vestiges of the true religion, that these communities have simply maintained.

    The use of the "subsistit in", disastrous and destructive, at Vatican II, is being resurrected. Vatican II attempted to abandon, or at least soften, the truth that the Church of Christ "IS" the Catholic Church and replace the historical "IS" with the novel "subsistit in". This phrase introduced a catastrophic distinction between the Church of Christ and the Catholic Church, which were, correctly, always understood, as synonymous. Now Rosica and other myrmidons, of Bergoglio, are attempting to say that some degree of true marriage also "subsists in" homosexual arrangements and among divorced and remarried couples. Who allowed this clown to address these bishops? Homosexual bishops within the American hierarchy perhaps? Will real Catholic bishops please stand up!

    By attempting to draw some analogy between the use of "subsistit in" at Vatican II, to its employment, at the recent synod, is, it seems to me a false moral equivalence. But Rosica won't let logic stand in the way of his homosexual/adulterous template.

    Finally, the following statement smacks of your typical conciliar mobilism. "Nevertheless, no one can deny the dynamic conversations that took place among us...."

    Here are a couple of quotes from Gaudium et Spes that illustrate this evolutionary mobilism. Note the pregnant presence of that word "dynamism". Rosica loves it.

    "Thus the human race is moving over from a static to a dynamic and evolutionary idea of the order of things." Gaudium et Spes 5

    "The Church therefore proclaims the rights of men, and recognizes and values the dynamism of the present day that promotes these rights everywhere." Gaudium et Spes 42

    Ongoing change YES YES! Stability and immutability NO NEVER!


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