Saturday 8 November 2014

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB., accuses unnamed persons of being "angry...filled with venom and hate..." towards those who use Latin in the Church

All Souls Requiem Mass,
Nov. 3rd. St. Pius X parish
Photo: Copyright David Anthony Domet
Serious indeed are public accusations by a Catholic priest against persons unknown for being "angry", and filled with "venom and hate".  Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, has published a tweet today claiming that such anonymous persons are directing this "venom and hate" towards towards those who see Latin as a "unifying force". 

There are many, many groups in the Church that see Latin as a "unifying force". The first that comes to mind is Una Voce. Indeed, this organization was recently in Rome and received a letter from the "Pope Emeritus". Is it towards this group that Fr. Rosica sees the "venom and hate"? 

On the local Toronto area, the most prominent promoter of Latin as a unifying force is the Toronto Traditional Mass Society - Una Voce Toronto. I was blessed to attend two recent Masses (Our Lady of the Rosary Solemn High Mass and the All Souls Requiem Mass) organized by this distinguished group. The liturgy was outstanding, the sermons delivered were extraordinary. If only each and every Sunday Mass could be so heavenly and dignified. Perhaps this group has also been victimized with "venom and hate"?

From my experience, and observations, any "venom and hate" directed towards those who see Latin as a "unifying force" is coming from those in clerical power within the Church, not those who quietly seek to worship in the manner of their ancestors.

One finds it touching that Fr. Rosica has suddenly developed a paternal interest towards those who attend the Latin Mass. This, given his previous attitude towards those who use Latin as a "unifying force; for example, his dismissal of them as, "Pelegians": 

"They seek a purely disciplinary solution to all of the Church's problems; through the restoration of outdated forms and manners, the usage of English [Latin?] language, incomprehensible to most of us who speak English. On a cultural level, it is no longer meaningful..."

Or, is it something totally different? Is it really that a number of blogs - including this one - have spoken out forcefully regarding the "radical neopagan ideology" that was insinuated into the interim relatio? Is his tweet really about trying to intimidate or frighten us? Or, is it just his own frustration and anger? But, that is his own private drama. For us, we will continue to do what Bishop Schneider asks: to advocate what the Church has always taught, and to resist those - even if they be priest or bishop - who would ask us to compromise and offer incense to the idols of adultery or homosexuality.

On a final note: 

If any Catholic who attends Mass in Latin has experienced "venom and hate" directed towards him or her, because they see Latin as a "unifying force", can they please contact this blog via the combox. Hatred and bigotry towards those who attend the Latin Mass must stop!


  1. Barona, I think the good padre may have been a little into the sacramental wine. He begins his grievance about "those who hide behind use of Latin in liturgy"; presumably those angry "trads" that cause him indigestion at Cardinal's dinners. Then, he sheds crocodile tears for "those who see Latin as a unifying force". Latin used in liturgy is presumably divisive. Pagan incantations would be more serene. But then, poor paganism has been the object of such venom & hatred. Can't have that in the new age church. After you've known him for a while, Father makes a lot more sense; especially when he's had a few glasses. :-)

  2. I started doubting Fr. Tom's judgement after his on-air love-fest when he gushed like a giddy schoolgirl over the arch heretic Gregory Baum.

    Apologies to all the giddy schoolgirls.

    A man in Fr. Tom's position really needs our prayers to help him avoid falling into sinful pride over his accomplishments. I'm almost certain he knows that arrogance does not become the disciple of Christ.

    Too many priests these days are surprisingly incapable of accepting even the gentlest kind of fraternal correction.

  3. The only venom and hate comes from Novus Ordo heretics. (I don't mean to be rude, but I don't know what other way to put it. If you attend the Novus Ordo and deny the teachings of the Church, yet still claim to be Catholic, you're a Novus Ordo heretic and I don't know what other name would be more accurate.)


We believe in a good argument. That means NO ad hominem attacks. This also includes Pope Francis. Further, referring to him by any other name, may or may not indicate a schismatic attitude, and given the confusion in the Church your comment will NOT be published. Comments are those of the commentators and not those of this blog. You may use a pseudonym... we do... Behave like a guest in our living room and you will be fine.