Wednesday 22 October 2014

Cardinal Vasio de Paolis speaks about the Synod of the Family: "We are listening too much to people, and not the truths of the Faith"

H.E. Vasio Cardinal de Paolis has spoken about the recent Synod of the Family. My media source is in Polish, so I shall offer the salient parts for translation. 

"we have confusion, which is difficult to control. We are listening too much to people, and not enough to the truths of the Faith. In the time being, the Church must communicate the truth, and not submit to public pressure. 

To truly take a step forward, the Church needs continuity. Everything cannot be questioned. The Church is the guardian of the truth, and does not have power over it (lit. her). The fixed point is the Word of God, it is a treasure that cannot be changed by anyone, even a Pope". 

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