Monday 6 January 2014

Fr. Matthew Despard: Bishop Toal's Letter to the clergy regarding Fr. Despard (FULL TEXT)

Dear friends and readers, I am publishing the entire letter of Bishop Joseph Toal, as sent to me by my contacts in Motherwell regarding the situation of Fr. Matthew Desaprd. I can inform you that Fr. Despard is in no way opposing or taking any public position against the decisions of the bishop. More to follow....

1 comment:

  1. I am quite disturbed by the coverage of the Fr. Matthew Despard affair. It seems to me that you have latched onto a personality and an issue quite apart from any evidence that the allegations Fr. Despard makes are true. The book is available on this side of the Atlantic through Amazon. The notion that anyone who might dispute these allegations has to buy the book but those of you who follow this issue are somehow relieved of that responsibility is wrong. I have read the first few chapters of the book and made an effort to purchase the book through Amazon. They do not accept paypal and I have no credit card to offer.

    I wish to disassociate myself from Witness' coverage of this entire affair. When Barona uses the term "we" he is not speaking on my behalf. Moreover, I do not wish to be part of spreading "news" from Montfort's contacts in Motherwell. Anyone who has real knowledge of these matters needs to be putting pressure on the local diocese.


We believe in a good argument. That means NO ad hominem attacks. This also includes Pope Francis. Further, referring to him by any other name, may or may not indicate a schismatic attitude, and given the confusion in the Church your comment will NOT be published. Comments are those of the commentators and not those of this blog. You may use a pseudonym... we do... Behave like a guest in our living room and you will be fine.