Thursday 5 December 2013

Catholic University Bans Gay Counseling

I can pretty much guess the reaction of a certain segment of the population to the above headline. Some of you are no doubt cheering this courageous move on the part of  the National University of Ireland - Galway. There were even the predictable smears and insults in the combox. Apparently some of the commentators had not read the article because the top comment said 
NUI is a catholic university. Catholicism believes that homosexuality is wrong. Breaking news: NUI will not provide counselling for gay students.

It turns out that the ones offering the counseling were the university chapter of the Legion of Mary which was working along the lines of the Courage apostolate completely in line with Church teaching. This was no conversion therapy but a sincere effort to help people live in accord with Catholic teaching. Banned by a Catholic university... go figure.

NUI Galway’s Roman Catholic Legion of Mary Society has been disbanded by the university after launching a campaign that offers counselling and support to help gay students “move beyond the confines of the homosexual label to a more complete identity in Christ”. The campaign is linked to the Courage Community, a movement that “ministers to persons with same-sex attractions and their loved ones” to help them “gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the Church's teachings, especially in the area of chastity”.


  1. It's very interesting because the Legion of Mary at the University of Washington in Seattle, Wash. was also shut down with lame excuses in the 1990s. Their apostolate? The young earnest students had a ministry to promote chastity. They handed out "abstimints" in the student Hub. These were mints with a message of abstinence. God bless you. Susan Fox

  2. This is tragic... this bitter fruit is the result of decades of more or less open rebellion against the Authority of the Church. These dissenters are practicing individualism that is marked out as an insidious evil in Evangelii Gaudium.


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