Monday 18 November 2013

Pervert Paul Milarvie functions as priest; Fr. Matthew Despard suspended

The Scottish homosexual crisis continues unabated as Fr. Matthew Despard is suspended, while admitted pervert priest Paul Milarvie is a priest in "good standing" and even in the local curia. 

On 16 May 2002 [Prot. n. 886/02/0] to an unidentified bishop, Cardinal Estevez, then Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, wrote:

This Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, conscious of the experience resulting from many instructed causes for the purpose of obtaining dispensation from the obligations that derive from Holy Ordination, and after due consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, expresses its judgment as follows:
Ordination to the diaconate and the priesthood of homosexual men or men with homosexual tendencies is absolutely inadvisable and imprudent and, from the pastoral point of view, very riskyA homosexual person, or one with a homosexual tendency is not, therefore, fit to receive the sacrament of Holy Orders. [Emphases added]

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure there are many holy men who suffer with same sex attraction, but my husband and I feel they should not become priests for the simple fact that a priest must model fatherhood. Christ is the groom. The Church is the bride. The priest is another Christ. We think the sex abuse scandal occurred because the bishops didn't form "real men." If our bishops had been real men, real fathers, they never would have allowed men who preyed on children of either sex to be transferred from one parish to another. We can only judge by our own feelings in this matter as parents. If there was a man with such inclinations, we would never allow him in our house with our son or daughter. If we felt we had to minister to such a person, we would have met him somewhere outside the house, and never spoken of our children. This is just common sense. I know that the bishops were somewhat desperate during the '60s, '70s and '80s during the great exodus from the priesthood, and they accepted men who probably shouldn't have been ordained. But also they allowed some real characters to train our young priests and so destroyed the lives of many normal young men with a vocation. As far as I know, no bishop has ever apologized to a young priest's mother for destroying his life. My friend's young son went in seminary and came out with AIDS and a member of Dignity (pro-homosexual). By the grace of God, she converted him back to the practice of his faith, and he died with the last sacraments. Years before this, my husband's uncle was thrown out of the seminary for pride, and then bitterly watched a parade of gay men enter the seminary in Baltimore where he worked. But Uncle Jack is in the nursing home, now, and he is the sweetest person you ever want to meet. He never married. So many lives were destroyed in this fiasco. God bless you. Susan Fox


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