Sunday 24 November 2013

BREAKING NEWS from SCOTLAND: Confidential file documenting clergy homosexual and sex abuse handed over to Police

Alan Draper, the rigorous fighter against horrific sexual criminality being committed in the Diocese of Motherwell reports that a dossier has been handed over to Scottish police, due to the obfuscation and feet-dragging by the bishops. 

The attempt by the bishops' public mouthpiece, Peter Kearney, to criticize Draper is pathetic. The bishops themselves should have immediately contacted police in their respective dioceses when the crimes happened. What we have here is culture of coverup. It needs to be exposed!

Homosexual and sexual abuse is rife; the situation is nearly apocalyptic. Please pray for the victims of these evil men, these filthy abusers of our youth. Please pray for the church in Scotland, that she may be rid of these Judases!

From the Guardian: 

A confidential file of letters from Scottish bishops detailing more than 20 secret abuse cases has been handed to police by a former safeguarding adviser to the Catholic church.

The intervention by Alan Draper, a former adviser to the Motherwell diocese, comes as the church attempts to draw a line under unfolding sex-abuse scandals by announcing a series of measures to be read at all masses this weekend on behalf of the Scottish bishops. However, describing the initiatives as a "charade", Draper says it is time for criminal investigations and an independent Scottish government inquiry into sexual abuse in the church.
The letters, dating back to 1995, include every Scottish diocese. One bishop, who describes abuse against "two severely mentally-handicapped young female adults", asks Draper to destroy his letter after reading it. Another refers to an abused child as a "young female parishioner". while a 15-year-old boy is described as "sexually mature".
A Catholic media spokesman, Peter Kearney, said the church would co-operate fully with the police, but added: "If someone has been in possession of material which they felt showed criminal behaviour, they would be expected to explain why they had taken 18 years to hand it to the authorities."
"The letters were given to me in confidence, and for a long time I respected that," explains Draper. "But the church has failed to reach out to victims and I have felt increasingly frustrated with their inability to manage the situation. It's a matter of public interest that the file be revealed." 

The full article may be read here. 

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