Sunday 13 January 2013

Schism or a return to Rome: the SSPX must decide

Bishop Williamson's recent threats to - once again - tear the garment of Christ through possible illicit episcopal consecrations should be seen in the context where it has festered for years.  Bishop Fellay cannot escape culpability, as he has allowed this man to indulge himself in various outrages over the years. Bishop Fellay too, in calling the new Mass "evil" recently in his "New Hamburg" address (when the Holy Father is pleading for a return to unity) perpetuates a schismatic ignorance amongst much of the laity who frequent SSPX chapels; while encouraging a duplicitous attitude towards Rome and the Supreme Pontiff amongst the SSPX clergy. 

A few years ago Bishop Tissier de Mallarias wrote these words - and they are - objectively speaking - words with schismatic intent (and even heresy):

“What remains of the magisterium in the Church? It is a matter of faith that Our Lord endowed His Church with a living and perpetual Magisterium, that is to say a papal and episcopal voice which, in every era and at the present time, is the echo of divine revelation and the relay of tradition. Well, this magisterium, at least as regards the truths denied by the conciliar hierarchy, lies in Mgr Lefebvre in whom it can be found in a certain manner. He is the veritable echo of tradition, the faithful witness, the good shepherd whom simple sheep have been able to identify from the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Yes, the Church still has a living and perpetual magisterium and Mgr Lefebvre is its saviour. The indefectibility of the Church can be seen in the inflexibility of the Archbishop.” (Fideliter, 1989 (No. 72, p10)

Such words should have resulted in disciplinary action for the SSPX. None were forth coming; you reap what you sow. Will the SSPX end up a tragedy, rather than a triumph? The Church at the First Vatican Council spoke authoritatively and infallibly as to the Unity of the Church and authority of Peter over the one flock of Christ: 

"The pastors of every rank and of every rite and the faithful, each separately and all together, are bound by the duty of hierarchical subordination and of true obedience, not only in questions of faith and morals, but also in those that touch upon the discipline and government of the church throughout the entire world. Thus, by preserving the unity of communion and of profession of faith with the Roman pontiff, the church is a single flock under one pastor. Such is the doctrine of Catholic truth, from which no one can separate himself without danger for his faith and his salvation" (Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus, Ch. 3, DZ 3060).

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting...
    Three blog entries in a row concerning Williamson et al. None of them are particularly recent or of newsworthy import. Indeed they are somewhat repetitive. Now what could possibly prompt such a flurry of old news? If I may speculate, our get together this coming weekend might be at the root of these less than newsworthy entries. Methinks you are stirring the pot, sir. Not that I care, mind you, but poor old Santa might have an apoplectic attack.


We believe in a good argument. That means NO ad hominem attacks. This also includes Pope Francis. Further, referring to him by any other name, may or may not indicate a schismatic attitude, and given the confusion in the Church your comment will NOT be published. Comments are those of the commentators and not those of this blog. You may use a pseudonym... we do... Behave like a guest in our living room and you will be fine.