Saturday 12 January 2013

Bishop Richard Williamson to consecrate a bishop in near future?

Bishop Richard Williamson
Ex-SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson has stated that he will be considering in the future ordaining priests and consecrating (schismatic) bishops. A report of a clandestine meeting of former SSPX (Anglo-Catholic liturgical usage, in union with Rome) suggests that this possibility may be weeks away.

For further information please see here


  1. How utterly tragic but inevitable. They will be excommunicated and they will thumb their collective noses at the Holy Father.

    As Williamson would write:

    Kyrie, eleison.

  2. I am greatly disturbed by the SSPX leadership being unable to return to unity. The Church is perfect, but being made up of sinners, She does not contain perfect bishops, priests and laity. The Church Militant is not yet the Church Triumphant.

    If your mother is wounded and sick, you stay by her side -- you do not abandon her especially if her other children already have!


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