Thursday 2 August 2012

Rome-SSPX: Williamson hardens schismatic attitude

The sad case of Richard Williamson continues unabated. His two most recent Kyrie Eleison comments identify two main difficulties with this man's future status. 1) his growing schismatic attitude towards the Church; and 2) his open attacks on his Superior Bishop Fellay. As to this second point, Fellay will have to sort that one out himself. 

However, with regards to the first point - and this is far more serious, as Williamson has the power to create a schismatic sect, the following should be considered. Take, for example, the schismatic attitude of another SSPX bishop, Tissier de Mallarias: 

“What remains of the magisterium in the Church? It is a matter of faith that Our Lord endowed His Church with a living and perpetual Magisterium, that is to say a papal and episcopal voice which, in every era and at the present time, is the echo of divine revelation and the relay of tradition. Well, this magisterium, at least as regards the truths denied by the conciliar hierarchy, lies in Mgr Lefebvre in whom it can be found in a certain manner. He is the veritable echo of tradition, the faithful witness, the good shepherd whom simple sheep have been able to identify from the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Yes, the Church still has a living and perpetual magisterium and Mgr Lefebvre is its saviour. The indefectibility of the Church can be seen in the inflexibility of the Archbishop. Fideliter, 1989 (No. 72, p10)

Williamson, builds on this fine point of schism by recently writing: 

"The Doctrinal Discussions of 2009 to 2011 were set up to examine the doctrinal clash between the Romans’ Conciliar subjectivism and the SSPX’s Catholic objectivism. They showed, of course, that the clash is profound and irreconcilable, not between Conciliar truth and Catholic truth, but between Conciliar error and Catholic truth, in effect between the religion of man and the religion of God".

"May Catholics who wish to keep the Faith attend a Tridentine Mass celebrated by a priest who is part of the Conciliar Church, for instance by his belonging to the Institute of Christ the King or to the Fraternity of St Peter? The answer has to be that, as a rule, a Catholic may not attend such a Mass, even if it is a Tridentine Mass, and even if it is worthily celebrated. What can be the justification for such a seemingly strict rule"? The basic reason is that the Catholic Faith is more important than the Mass. 

So, Williamson has decided a priori of the Pope who has and who does not have the Catholic Faith! The "magisterium" now belongs to Williamson. He has become that indefectible voice; the living and perpetual magisterium lives through him...  


  1. Neither Williamson nor de Mallarias recognize the authority of the Pope and are therefore in an effective state of schism. The only thing preventing these two from being booted altogether is a dispute over who is to do it. I think the Holy See would prefer that the SSPX clean up its own mess. Yet another pair of vagi swell the ranks of the dispossessed.
    "acephalous or wandering clergy are not to be allowed" Canon 265

  2. 'OUT OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY REMEMBER TO NEVER (SIC) ATTACK THE PERSON...' That being your monitum perhaps you would remember it when speaking of two fully consecrated Bishops of the Catholic Church viz Bishops Williamson and Tissier de Mallerais.....or does your 'Christian charity' not extend to traditional Catholic clergy? In all likelihood you would be infinitely more charitable and fraternal to avowed Modernist heretics - among them Anglicans - to say nothing of the Pope's beloved Muslims - with whom he readily prays and publicly sins against the First Commandment. It is fine for you to condemn some, it seems, while you would genuflect to the neo-Modernist prelates who traduce and pervert the teachings of the Church and who defraud Christ's faithful when they look to be fed with the Bread of Heaven but who receive only the mess of post-Conciliar modernist potage. God is not mocked, as those ecclesiastical fraudsters will discover when they stand before Him, and for most of them that will be sooner rather than later. The floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of rotten Bishops but among them you will not find those of Abp Lefebvre's sons. Dr John Rathowen

  3. Hatred of sinners does not move the Gospel forward....

  4. Bishops' opinions should not be interpreted falsely. Their intention is the thing we should see not the words. Their intention is obey God by holding the catholic faith. Their intention is not to fight with the successor of peter or the church. But to work for the church and to raise voise against the errors being spreaded by the church authorities.So the words must be interpreted by taking into account, the intention. Not blindly.

  5. Luther's intention was also to hold the catholic faith. Trouble is, he thought the Pope was the anti-Christ.


We believe in a good argument. That means NO ad hominem attacks. This also includes Pope Francis. Further, referring to him by any other name, may or may not indicate a schismatic attitude, and given the confusion in the Church your comment will NOT be published. Comments are those of the commentators and not those of this blog. You may use a pseudonym... we do... Behave like a guest in our living room and you will be fine.