Tuesday 15 May 2012

William Oddie on Rome-SSPX talks

The Catholic Herald's William Oddie,  carries an excellent editorial on the current SSPX-Rome talks, as well as the potential for real schism within the SSPX. Highly recommended reading. Oddie is of the opinion that a schism is likely as the recently leaked exchange of letters shows Fellay moving solidly towards Rome, and the other three into.... well, schism and heresy. To appreciate Bp. Tissier de Mallarias I include the quote for reference:

What remains of the magisterium in the Church? It is a matter of faith that Our Lord endowed His Church with a living and perpetual Magisterium, that is to say a papal and episcopal voice which, in every era and at the present time, is the echo of divine revelation and the relay of tradition. Well, this magisterium, at least as regards the truths denied by the conciliar hierarchy, lies in Mgr Lefebvre in whom it can be found in a certain manner. He is the veritable echo of tradition, the faithful witness, the good shepherd whom simple sheep have been able to identify from the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Yes, the Church still has a living and perpetual magisterium and Mgr Lefebvre is its saviour. The indefectibility of the Church can be seen in the inflexibility of the Archbishop.”Fideliter, 1989 (No. 72, p10)

Where is the Church, my dears? Recognize the tree by its fruits. Where the fruits are, there the Church is. I do not mean that the Church is reduced to the Fraternity, but that her heart is in the Fraternity. The true Faith, the true teaching, the non-bastard sacraments: all this is in the Fraternity. Everywhere else, there is a mixture full of compromises because of liberalism and weakness of mind. The parallel Church is the Vatican II-Newchurch: her spirit, her new-religion or no-religion.

Angelus online answers to questions on 20th anniversary of episcopal consecration

Note: With the Archbishop dead, who is the "saviour" of the Magisterium now? The Church 
indefectible due to one, retired titular bishop? Where does this leave the Pope, the infallible declarations on the visibility and indefectibility of the Church? So, de Mallarias will decide which truths are "denied" by the "conciliar" hierarchy? The true faith is where the Pope is not?  A "parallel church" etc.? all this stinks of schism ...Change "Lefebvre" to Luther" and you see where this man is going!...

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