Friday 20 April 2012

Bishop Williamson undermines SSPX Reconciliation?

Bishop Richard Williamson, in his latest blog entry "Benedict's Ecumenism III", continues to undermine any possible reconciliation between Rome and Econe. I mention this, not that this man has any authority (see, Mgr. Fenton "Episcopal Jurisdiction and the Roman See, American Ecclesiastical Review, Vol. CXX, Jan-Jun 1949), but that he does have the power to perpetuate a schism.

Further, he continues to publish against the express orders of his superior, who seems powerless to stop him.

For example, Williamson, in reviewing three references from Vatican II, commences as follows:

In these “Comments” two weeks ago was the promise to look at three quotes from Vatican II which have done much to dissolve the Church of Jesus Christ, which is the Catholic Church. And one week ago was the warning that the texts of Vatican II are ambiguous, so that they can always be made to look as though there is nothing wrong with them. But only one of their two possible meanings is innocent. The other meaning is deadly for the Catholic Church, as the last forty years have proved. 

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