Saturday 28 April 2012

Bishop Williamson and the Rome-SSPX Reconciliation

Bishop Richard Williamson, in his latest blog entry on the possibility of a reconciliation between Rome and Econe writes: "...a friend of mine just sent me an admirable synthesis" on the Second Vatican Council. Part of this "admirable synthesis" contains the following: 

“These novel doctrines which along with many others contradict the formal and unanimous teachings of Popes before the Council, can only be qualified in the light of Catholic dogma as heretical". 

The full entry can be read here

1 comment:

  1. Well Barona, we collectively who are in the know in the Church about this, do want the SSPX to reconcile and to open the floodgates of priests, Latin Masses, servers and MCs who can train others for us. I do hope for the sake of the Latin Mass liturgical crisis the are reconciled, though I do hope they will tow the line with regard to certain extra-liturgical issues.

    However, regardless of whether this statement is complete bunk, partially true, or sadly 100% true (which will be a challenge for laity and apologists defending the Church against more onslaughts of "Your religion is garbage" or "The church is hypocritical for allowing V-II bashers in when it's been OKd for 50 years" from the "Spirit of Vatican II crowd"), This DOES NOT bode well for the SSPX side.

    Yes the Pope is drafting some new fangled response to it, but he could at the stroke of a pen or a mighty word change his mind on this issue thanks to this wonderful tidbit of info. Why can't Williamson just keep himself quiet for the sake of his Society? If he truly wants to keep his ultra-trad/sedevancatist and his anti-semitic views,(via denial of the number of deaths in gas chambers in WWII concentration camps) why not split now before the likely inevitable reconciliation?

    Sigh, if there's any main point to make here, it's that I hate the stupid commentary and other things both sides are doing during this necessary dialogue and negotiation. Please Rome and SSPX, just "play the game" and stop adding in "commentary from the bleachers." For all our sakes. Keep praying for both sides though.


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