Sunday 20 March 2022

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine is a "conspiracy theory" pushed by Archbishop Vigano. So says neocon Geoge Weigel



Monument to Victims of the Volhynia Genocide. Notice the impaled child.

George Weigel is a strange fellow, who, after picking up a Master's degree in 1975 in theology, disappeared to an obscure (now defunct) US seminary to teach for a couple of years. Then, lo and behold, in the late 80s this man suddenly turns up as an apparatchik in neocon circles, moving rapidly into the higher echelons within the Washington deep state. Is Weigel but one of a number of Catholics recruited to sell neocon foreign policy objectives to Catholic voters? Was he recruited by the CIA or other intelligence agencies  (as are so many "journalists") to pump and prime Catholics on how to think and vote? These questions need to be asked.

The fact is, Weigel went from the proverbial "nobody" to becoming the go-to man between the bishops, the  establishment Catholic media, and Washington politicians. It is of course distasteful to trot all this out, but it must be to properly understand the possible motivations behind Weigel's nasty, dishonest, nay, lying screed against Archbishop Vigano. This is slander and Weigel needs to retract and go to Confession. I shall not dignify this obscene attack on the Archbishop by linking to it. Readers can search themselves.

I shall only address one issue in Weigel's attack on the Archbishop: Weigel wrote, regarding of the Archbishop's Declaration: "amongst its MANIFESTLY FALSE [my emphases] claims: there are 'neo-Nazi military forces' in Ukraine".

"Manifestly" implies an obvious clarity.  According to Weigel, it  is obviously, evidently, clearly manifestly false to hold that neo-Nazis are in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In other words, it is absurd. Hence, Weigel is stating that Vigano is with deliberate malice lying about neo-Nazi forces. 

Let us now review but a few fragments of literally thousands of pieces of evidence clearly, manifestly showing that not only the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but from their establishment politicians, and on down there is an infestation of not only neo-Nazis, but a fascistic spirit exemplified in the constant glorification of the vile monster and Nazi collaborator, Stepan Bandera. 

Cabinet Minister glorifying Stepan Bandera


Banderites in the Ukrainian government


The fact is that numerous fascist and neo-Nazis militias (e.g. The "Tornado" Battalion before its members were incorporated into the regular forces) proliferate all across the Ukraine. The Aidar and Azov Battalions have official standing within the Ukrainian military. Azov has received training by US, British and Canadian NATO operatives. It is now being liquidated in Mariupol (though causing great harm as multiple reports including videos by citizens documenting how the Nazis are using them as shields within schools, hospitals etc.).

Nazi insignia of Azov Battalion


Further, many regular units, including Officers are Banderites. Banderites are post-war revisionists who claim that the collaborationist OUN-B, the UPA, the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police were but anti-Soviet patriots. The historical record is somewhat different. Banderites, are de facto neo-Nazis and committed major war crimes and genocide during the War. For example, close collaboration between the SS and Ukrainian Auxiliary Police to implement the Babi Yar Genocide. 


Children butchered by OUN-B

Banderites, fascists also have infiltrated the Ukrainian Security Services. Finally, there are numerous Banderites in the Kiev regime (and this same regime, controls the army, and conducts the ethno-cleansing in the Donbas). Additionally there are statues, street names, banners displayed all over the Ukraine glorifying Bandera. Indeed, the Kiev City Council not a few years ago openly glorified this collaborator. The Ukrainian State has even issued stamps glorifying Nazi collaborators! Yet, Weigel denies the Nazi problem. WHY? I will tell you why: his hatred of Russia is so great, that like his neocon "Catholic" (?) fellow travellers would join forces with the satanic Nazi scourge to fight what they believe a "common enemy". Then, of course, in the fantasy world of neoliberal globalists, the Ukraine will be incorporated into the EU, NATO, the globalist order, and the neo-Nazis will disappear or brought to heel. So these fools believe. So presently, as long as Nazis and Banderites attack Russia, they give you a "wink-wink, nudge-nudge", when the issue of Nazism or Banderism is raised. The degenerate "West: now has its "good" Nazis. Bandera is but a patriot.

One could ask Weigel: "will YOU denounce Bandera without equivocation"? But he will not, as the neocon "Catholics" (?) who are baying for blood, shouting "destroy Muscovy", cheering on the evil pumping of NATO weapons into the Ukraine will not. They too,  like him, are DEAD SILENT on the very serious Bandera problem. Indeed, these lunatics sound just like the "Catholic" version of the "Christian-Zionist Evangelical" Darbyite cult which also rages for war, blood, and hatred.

More glorification of Nazi collaborators

The Banderite problem is also very serious in Canada and America. Anyone even remotely connected to the Canadian Ukrainian community is aware of the widespread popularity of the poison (including sadly, amongst many Greek Catholics, including clergy). So much so, that in the diaspora fascist organizations (some would suggest only a few degrees away from being outright "neo-Nazis") exist and raise funds; such as "Right Sector". These same fascists openly march on the streets of Toronto, carrying the portrait of convicted terrorist, mass murderer, and Nazi collaborator, Bandera. Politicians from all parties march with the Banderites, for whom the only thought is votes, rather than moral principles. Many, of course, have been lied to by these Banderites and ethno-fascists. It all seems just so "normal" as these fascists have been marching and proclaiming their evil ideology for decades. 

A Bandera statue in the Ukraine. Notice the fascist UPA flag

Friends, one has to be a deliberate propagandist to deny that the Ukraine has a Nazi and especially a Bandera (fascist) problem, and that these evil ideologies have infiltrated in  its armed forces and body politic. George Weigel is not a stupid man. He knows what he is doing, and he has a reason for doing it. He cannot be unaware of the Azov Battalion, nor of the cancer of Banderism. 


March of the Fascists: Toronto, 2016

Close up of Bandera on "Right Sector, Canada"

The only other option is he is deluded and truly believes that a Catholic renaissance and civilization will flower from neo-liberal, globalism under US Beltway hegemony. That Catholicism will be built upon the ruins and blood baths in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, the support of Saudi butchering in Yemen, the theft of the Golan Heights, the feeding of the Palestinian-Israeli tragedy, the NATO expansion into central and eastern Europe, and now the fratricidal war in eastern Europe. All this is blasphemous insanity. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to incorporate ALL men into His One Church. That means "starting in Jerusalem..." to preach the Gospel to the whole world, for "...there is neither Jew nor Greek...but ALL are one in Christ Jesus".

I say: peace be unto Russia and the Ukraine. 


  1. The way you know that Weigel has a flawed argument is that he accuses Archbishop Vigano of pushing conspiracy theories, that he’s not the author of what he has written and that he’s dishonest. Pretty strong charges, considering that no proof is provided. Why not give the evidence for the accusations? How sad that Weigel has sunk this low.

  2. There is a priest in Poland, Father Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski, who has been fighting for many years for the cause of truth about the Wolyn genocide of Poles by Banderites. In a recent interview, while over a million of Ukrainian war refugees were pouring into Poland, and were being invited directly to the homes of Polish families, as they were offered better financial conditions than many Poles live under, priority in medical institutions and employment offices, free educations and transportation (things no Pole enjoys), Father Isakowicz-Zaleski expressed gratitude and pride of his countrymen. In the same interview he explained that after Mr. Zelensky became Ukraine's president, with renewed hopes Poles have requested many times that raped, tortured, murdered, skinned alive, burnt alive - by Banderties - Poles - babies, children, pregnant mothers, women and men, young and old, thrown into mass graves on the current territory of Ukraine, be exhumated by Poles and provided with a Catholic burial. Each time the answer was: No.

    During his time in office the corrupt Zelensky government, a puppet regime of the USA/NATO, has not prevented millions of poor Ukrainians from emigrating to Poland in search for a better life. Poland is not a wealthy country, and yet they left everything they knew behind and moved to a better place. A number of them, as my Mother told me some time ago, did not refrain from threatening the people who accepted them in their country and offered them very generous social benefits. She met a man, who promised that when the time is ripe, Ukrainians will "riezali" Poles all over again. He meant murdering via sharp object. Why did he say such a thing? - Since he was elderly, a young Polish man offered to help him with carrying groceries to a car. This is when the Ukrainian told him his future fate.

    Banderites constitute a large chunk of the Ukrainian government and military.

  3. Dorota,

    Thank you for your testimony on this terrible tragedy. You are absolutely correct, Banderites are exploding all over the Ukraine like poisonous mushrooms. And they are now in Poland. I was told the other day that they even dared to put up a statue of this evil man in a town in eastern Poland (as they, of course, believe that that part of "Ukraine". As the the saying goes; "wyznajecie Ukraina, od Kiowa do Berlina").

    I can tell you that my Polish contacts here in Toronto inform me that the vast, vast (close to 100%) of Poles in this country sympathize with Putin's actions, are aware of the the gross lies and manipulation of the degenerate western media (including the deliberate covering up of war crimes - even now - being committed by the Nazis in Mariupol) in favour of the Kiev regime.

    The fact is, as you say, Zelensky is a puppet of the US and his Ukraine based controllers (e.g. Kolomoisky). It also interesting that when the Pandora;s Box was leaked, all the corrupt media rushed to find Putin's name it it. Alas, for then, he was not found. Found however was Zelensky. I reiterate again: Zelensky, Kolomoisky, the PM, and the Defense Minister of the Ukraine are despicable Kapos. As we both know, one of the worst kind of Nazi collaborator.

  4. Barona,

    thank You for posting my comment.
    I find it hard to be at peace in this world where the few voices of truth and reason are drowned by the deceived and brainwashed majority. Across the world, we are ruled and owned by lying psychopaths.

    My theory is that - led by wolves in sheep's clothing - the constituting members of the majority gradually accepted an ever-increasing degree of deception. They called themselves Catholic while openly rebelling against Catholic teachings. They called themselves tolerant while excluding those rejecting lies and evil. They called themselves supporters of diversity while persecuting all difference that matters, that on what is objective truth. Their voice of conscience seems to have been permanently distorted.

    Perhaps it has always been the case. After all, Jesus not Barabbas was democratically elected for the cross.

    All the best to You.


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