Sunday 18 July 2021

Crisis? What Crisis? Our Lord Jesus Christ is in COMPLETE control of His Church

I strongly urge every Catholic to watch the above video. Do not forget - EVER - Our Lord Jesus Christ is in absolute control of HIS Church.
Providentially, the spiritual dramas and demise of two Kings of Israel were recounted in the Breviary over the past two weeks as the churchmen were finalizing their document on the Ancient Roman Rite of the Mass. One must admit that God does have a dry sense of humour. In the Breviary we recall Saul and Ahab, the former doubted, the latter engaged in false worship but then repented for having abandoned the Faith. It did not go well for them, as God meted out just punishment for their misleading the people, and their personal sins that affected the people of God.
The Catholic Church being the ONE and ONLY and CONTINUING Israel of God is confident (con fides) that God Almighty is still in absolute control of Israel, His Bride. Friends, pray to Sts. Peter and Paul. Pray also to St. Elijah the Prophet for strength and courage to turn Israel back to the true worship of the Living God. Ask the Prophet too for that serenity that he had during times of persecution and affliction. Pray too, as the Prophet did, for the conversion of modern day "Ahabs".
Above all understand that the Church, the Israel of God, is undergoing purification as She did time and again in ancient days. Just as the Israelites of old abandoned the true Faith and took up false idol worship of demons, so too, in our day we Israelites took up false idol worship of demons (abortion, sexual perversion, materialism, false ecumenism, etc.) and are now being scourged by Almighty God for infidelity. The punishment will pass when enough Catholics follow Elisha in taking up Elijah's mantle. We may well be going into exile in Babylon, but we well deserve it. The blood of hundreds of millions of babies are crying out to the Living God for justice. Let us not forget, these babies were and are being murdered on our watch. When God punishes, it means He still loves us, and sees some hope in our repentance. Let us repent then and quicken the end of the captivity.
"But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption is at hand". Luke 21:28


  1. Amen.

    “ The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.“

    I beg him with all my heart and soul to see their distraction and the glorious restoration. Please Lord from my heart to your ears and my tears.

  2. While I respect the work of Taylor Marshall, I take issue with his suggestion to be "joyful", for the context of said suggestion hints at "joy" as defined and accepted by the secular world. There is a time and place for everything, as Ecclesiastes points out. Yes, the Lord is in control, but we bear our share of the responsibility, and the cross. It is a crisis, for while the ultimate victory is His, souls will be lost forever on its account. Perhaps this is a time for "weeping, fasting and mourning" (Joel) as we pray and work for the mitigation of this disastrous situation.


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