Sunday 6 June 2021

June 6, 1944 - there WAS Mass for you on D-Day during the hell of warfare! But there is NO Mass for you today!


And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all unto Myself (St John 12:32)

Something terrible has happened in the Catholic Church over the past century. No truer words were spoken by Pope Paul VI when he uttered "through some crack, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church". 

It is this "smoke" that has, like a poisonous gas, rotted the brains of our churchmen, and turned them into sniveling effete cowards, groveling before Man and Money.

Let us now cast our minds and hearts back to the blood soaked beaches of  Normandy, where 77 years ago, as I write and you read this, young men, many not even twenty were being cut down mercilessly with machine gun  and mortar fire by the Nazis. Yet, in that hell, where death and mayhem reigned, where heads, arms, and legs were in an instant shot off a living human body, in that hellhole true Catholic priests had not abandoned the flock, had not fled in the face of death, but rather attended the men with Last Rites on the battlefield, heard Confessions, and said Holy Mass. 


Contrast that with the near universal collapse and ruin we have all about us. Where Catholic churchmen over the past year, rather than defending the helpless, fighting for the oppressed, speaking out against authoritarianism, have remained silent, if not, on many occasions (from the Pope on downwards) actually thrown in with the worst of oppressors and exploiters. These men have abandoned the flock, fled the field, locked themselves up in their palaces and mansions. They have locked us out of our churches, suppressed the Sacraments, and denied the Blessed Sacrament. They have overturned the Altars and allowed the Church to be raped by the State by handing over the Sacred Rites into the hands of godless sinners, who have their hands drenched in the blood of the unborn.

There is no better way to contrast the two religions - and let us be honest that is what they are - the Religion of God versus the Religion of Man are through images. To borrow a phrase from Wren, look around you.

The Religion of God

The Religion of Man

For a report on the scandalous situation in the Archdiocese of Toronto, which reflects the typical capitulation to the State, please visit Vox Cantoris for a report and detailed analysis of the crisis. 

As you pray for the repose of the souls of our Allied Dead, consider the complete sellout and surrender of the Catholic Church to the State. As you think of your bishop in hiding, your priests missing in action, your elderly family member dying in a hospital or long term care facility all alone, with no one to even hold their hand, let alone administer Last Rites, consider this Great Betrayal.

Let it be known that the Catholic churchmen from the Pope on downwards, have also been SILENT on the Great Elderly Care Home Holocaust - where hundreds of thousands, if not well over a million elderly were done to lonely and cruel death through criminal negligence, medical martial law, and the lust for money. Where not ONE churchman stood up and denounced this criminality, this outrage. Demanded that families be allowed in to minister to their loved ones, that they be allowed in to offer Last Rites and the Sacraments. 

And through it all please remember: 


Please pray for the churchmen, that they repent and turn to defending Christ and His Church

St. John Fisher, pray for us

All ye holy martyrs of England and Wales, pray for us 

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