Saturday 6 February 2021

Did Cardinal Collins just tell us he was being mocked, ridiculed and "cancelled"? You watch the video and you decide.

Friends, Cardinal Collins gave an interesting sermon on the Feast of St. Agatha. Amongst other things he admitted that blood martyrdom has not come to Canada "YET" - added the Cardinal. 

But he added that what is alive and well in Canada is ridicule, silencing, mockery, and cancelling. Not just for proclaiming the Gospel, but also (and take note that the Cardinal last November wrote a letter to the Board of Trustees at the Toronto Catholic District School Board [TCDSB] admonishing them for their support of trans-sexualism as being contrary to the Gospels and the objective reality of human nature) for proclaiming "common sense about reality". A very interesting choice of words. Very interesting, very judiciously chosen. 

When watching this sermon, one could not help but recollect on the threats the Cardinal received from Toronto Public Health that they would ban the Sacraments altogether if he did not comply with their tyrannical orders on religious liturgical rites. Nor could one forget the outpouring of hatred from and public mocking, shaming, ridicule, and cancelling that he received from "LGBT" activist school Trustees, teachers, the corporate media, and politicians. By far the most grievous offense and grave sin was the hateful mockery, cancelling, and attempted "shaming" he received from self-proclaimed "Catholic" trustees and teachers on social media. Their behaviour was and remains absolutely vile and disgusting. To date, they have yet to repent and apologize to the Cardinal for calumniating his name.  

Whereas one expects atheistic health officials, non-Catholic journalists, anti-Christian bigots, and a lesbian politician to "cancel" the Cardinal, one should not expect it from those who have been entrusted to pass on the Faith and Christian morality to innocent school children. 

Watch the following video. One cannot but help but notice how disheveled and unnerved the Cardinal appears.

                                                               A "Cancelled" Cardinal?

Let us pray to St. John the Baptist, St. Thomas More and the wisp of a girl, St. Agatha (who had the strength and audacity to proclaim Christ before the full might of godless, pagan Rome) to grant Cardinal Collins the wisdom and strength he needs to stand up for Christ and His Gospel, to defend the rights of Holy Mother Church. 

Here is the full sermon.

Dear Cardinal Collins: we have said before, and we say it again. We will stand with you against the persecutors of the Church. But give the command, and we shall be at your side at the Cathedral, in the churches, in the courts, at the school Board, in the classrooms, on the streets. 


  1. A thoughtful post, but he is not a young man. Who knows - maybe he is fasting or sick? May he get better! This reflection on martyrdom is something we have heard before. The letter to Martino really says it all. What is needed is concrete action. His general statements are really just that - general - not really a commentary on the TCDSB abdication of the faith. The adoption of LGBTQ ideology by the TCDSB isn't even a Church vs. society issue. This is an internal Church issue - since the TCDSB can only call itself a Catholic school system with His Excellency's permission.

    p.s. to those who say let the school board die a natural death, and let good Catholic parents send their kids to private schools - think about the harshness of that attitude. The cheapest private schools start at $7000 per year, per student, which is way beyond the budget of most Catholic families who have several children. Were Catholic schools only intended for rich people?

  2. Sadly, this is too little too late. Perhaps in a moment of sobriety he realises that his silence and cowardice and complicity have rendered him completely ineffectual. He has consistently ignored and vilified his most faithful supporters among the clergy of his diocese. He has deliberately surrounded himself with dubious characters and weak, younger men. The clergy is woefully ignorant and weak. He has not remedied this grave problem. His failure to stand up to the overreach of the government has weakened him irreparably. Perhaps he is badly advised but at this point, as he approaches the end of his tenure, his outbursts in support of the covidiocy narrative can only lead us to conclude that he is ideologically wedded to a narrative that in time will unravel and expose him and his counselors to be woefully inept if not complicit in evil. His treatment of priests who speak the truth with clarity and charity--rare as hen's teeth, is abominable. The hierarchy of this nation on the whole, has prostituted itself to the godless elites at all levels of government. The remnant faithful are a despised lot and yet they would still support a faithful bishop if one were to be found. The cardinal cast his lot with those whom he deems moderate, thw lukewarm. He is now drowning in a cesspool of lies, compromises and outright heresy. May Gid grant him the grace of repentance and a resolve to make reparation. St. Agatha, pray for him.

  3. If there is one thing I learned as a senior commissioned officer in the Canadian Forces it is that those in command bear a grave and difficult burden. It is always easy to criticize decisions by attacking the person. One of my faults, (I try to guard against) is just that.

    I see the Cardinal as a good man and a faithful Catholic. One can disagree with his decisions (and I do from time to time wish he were more forceful), but this call was not an easy one to make. I reject the assertion by Anonymous (the one on 06 Feb at 2200 hours) that Cardinal Collins made these decisions out of cowardice. Nor is he a liar or a heretic. His signature on the letter to the pope in the synod (causing Francis to rant at the signatories in anger) is evidence of both Cardinal Collin's orthodoxy and courage. The smear about his sobriety is beneath contempt.

    I do not like being denied the opportunity to attend mass and worship Our Lord and Saviour in the Eucharist. No faithful Catholic does. But I truly believe that our archbishop made that decision in order to save lives. You may think him wrong, but that surely was his intent. I'm now a senior citizen with what are called co-morbidities (an awful term). Consequently, I have a compromised immune system and have been advised by my specialist of many years that if I come down with Covid 19 it will not end well. There are many mass goers like me.

    Given that, I have a somewhat different perspective from Anonymous, whom I invite as a brother/sister in the Lord, to prayerfully reflect on whether his/her comments lack charity and prudence, two virtues to which we Catholics must cling as the growing darkness permeates the Church and society. I know there are many awful things going on in the Church worldwide but unjustly assassinating the character of Cardinal Collins will solve none of them. Saint Michael Archangel, patron of the Archdiocese of Toronto, defend our archbishop and all of us in spiritual battle and be our defence against the wickedness and snares of the adversary, who is Satan and his fallen followers. Dominus vobiscum.

  4. John the Mad you raise many valid points. May I make a respectful suggestion? It is incumbent on the Church to impress on civil society to protect the vulnerable. That includes those with comorbidities. It is also incumbent on those with comorbidities to avoid situations (as they would in any bad flu Season) places and situations in which they might catch an illness, which includes Covid.

    Hence, Catholics who have comorbidities should be given a dispensation from attending Mass. There is no reason while a priest cannot visit you in your home to bring you Holy Communion. The churches, as Cardinal Collins pointed out are not the sources of community spread. Indeed, movement in churches is controlled, unlike, for example, large box stores - which remain open. I am of the opinion that the Cardinal (in a true ecumenical gesture) should have informed Ford the churches stay open at 30%, and to see him in court. We KNOW the lockdown, the 10 person capacity is NOT scientific, is discriminatory, and arbitrary. It reflects the absolute irrelevance the secular authorities have for any sense of the Divine.

    My post is to underscore my belief that the Cardinal is a tortured man. A man who wishes somehow to follow Fisher and More, yet, with the wolves that surround him, the pressure placed on him, the manoeuvres and scheming at the Chancery level, the intrigue with big business and big government - all meet at the nexus point of paralyzing the Cardinal.

  5. Barona:

    I found your post Your post to be excellent. I agree with your reply to me and my comments were for Anonymous and not you. I see no personal attacks on the Cardinal in your post. I happen to agree that the 30% church attendance limit worked and should have been maintained. I also agree that the responsibility for me to take precautions rests with me.

    The behaviour of the trustees of the Toronto District Catholic School Board was appalling and lacked any Catholic sensibility. Cardinal Collins was right to call them out in his letter I have to admit I would have been more harsh were I in his shoes (perhaps the military in me) , but I am not the archbishop.... which is a good thing.

    You may be right about His Eminence being battered to the point of paralysis. I am not currently privy to goings on at the Chancery. My one year as a seminarian back in the 1970s taught me much about scheming among the clergy. (Gregory Baum was a clerical theological celebrity back then.) And my years in public service including a stint on political staff in the House of Commons, have taught me about how rough the political sandbox can be.

    I think we can agree that prayer, prayer and more prayer is our best defence. Prayer for the bishops. Prayer for the clergy and religious. Prayer for the victims of abortion, prayer for the sick and elderly, Prayer for the deceased. Prayer and for the Body of Christ, which is us, sinners and saints in the Church militant.

  6. John the Mad. Thank yoi for your reply. I understand your comments on large organizations. I at one time was on the Board of a Catholic charitable dollar per annum organization which did great work and had a six-figure per annum operating budget. I noticed too that though many great plans and ideas were made, it was very difficult to implement them given the size and lethargy.
    At the Chancery all these normal problems of a large organization are amplified given that there is intrigue, outside pressures, dark secrets to be hidden, and the dedicated attack from satan.

    I must say though that the Cardinal's behaviour is mystifying. Simply because he continues to raise the issue of persecution, the rejection of reality (e.g. the transgender ideology etc.), but also continues to surrender to bullies. Throwing a bully a bone is a very dangerous thing. he'll only be back for more bones, and then the prize meat.


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