Wednesday 8 July 2020

Wake up blind Christians: The State IS Persecuting the Church

Gavin Ashenden discusses the very grave, spiritual, social, and political implications of the State closing of our churches. Ashenden outlines the argument that the State - at the very least - violated the civil liberties of churches to conduct religious services. The example he gives is that supermarkets remained open, whilst churches were closed. 

Ashenden develops the theological reasons as to why the State did NOT have the right to impose a blanket, universal closure of churches. This is not rendering to Caesar what is Caesar's, as Caesar does NOT have power over the Church. As Ashenden says we should "smell evil" when hearing the argument of universal church closure.  

The closing of churches WAS a DIABOLICAL attack on the Blessed Sacrament. 

The government told us we do NOT have the right to worship, to adore, to be in the PRESENCE of the LIVING GOD. 

This surrender, this silence can only be explained by a loss of faith. Nothing else can explain a Catholic's acceptance of the State banning them from being in the PRESENCE of the LIVING GOD. 

Watch and learn. Pray and think. Please no longer remain SILENT. 

You now have to answer the question: do YOU serve Christ or Caesar? 

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