Tuesday 8 September 2020

CNN goes all WAR MONGERING CRAZY: Promoting the Evil Madmen Who Want To Rule the World

Ye Hypocrites, are these your pranks 
To murder men and give God thanks
Desist for shame, proceed no further 
God won't accept your thanks for murder. 

Robbie Burns 
Sometimes it pays to draft a post and await the right time to publish it. This post was last revised on May 15. With minor revisions, given the recent war mongering fanaticism by CNN in favour of the "military industrial-congressional complex" I felt it time to publish my thoughts. It should be noted that Eisenhower had actually included "congressional" in his draft, but dropped it from his speech after being informed that exposing Congress as part of the war mongering machine would precipitate a crisis. This buying of Congress as shills for the military-industrial complex is a decades long bipartisan reality that is leading the United States to sure ruin.
Let us now jump six decades forward and what do we find?   

The latest "controversy" is Trump mentioning the other day "...endless, crazy wars...". Not three months ago, Trump also noted that the United States should not be seeking "...to solve ancient conflicts in faraway lands". Easier said than done however. The devil never rests. 
To Trump's credit, he dogged the bullet of war last January. Had the globalist madmen surrounding and goading Donald Trump got their way, the United States would have been involved in a catastrophic major war, followed by the devastating blow of the coronavirus hysteria and following economic collapse. For those who retain a memory, this past January saw Trump being ambushed in his Florida home by a number of neocon fanatics: Mike Pompeo, Jared Kushner, Lindsey Graham et al. Quickly they convinced the President that an Iranian military officer on a diplomatic mission to Iraq needed to be assassinated. The Officer had, it needs to be underscored been invited to Iraq, a supposedly "sovereign" nation. The aspect of diplomacy is crucial. In the closing months of World War Two, when high ranking Nazi Officers entered Allied controlled areas on diplomatic missions, they came and left freely (e.g. von Friedeburg, Wolff etc). It is a rule amongst civilized men not to murder those on diplomatic missions.  But then, civilized men seem to be in very short supply these days.

As with the ill-advised strike on Syria, "evidence" was presented that the Diplomat was preparing "imminent attacks" on four US embassies. Needless to say, here we are four (note: it is now nine months) months later, and no "evidence" has been produced for what would have been the pretext to plunge the United States into yet another disastrous foreign war.

Over that fateful weekend, the various deranged followers of Darbyite sects in the United States (of which Pompeo is a card carrying member) called for war. Maddened "evangelicals" bayed for blood and rejoiced over the killing of the Iranian Officer. In doing so they violated biblical teaching (something they have shown great skill at over the years). If we take the Darbyites at their word that the Iranian diplomat was "indeed wicked", then we must juxtapose their bloodthirsty glee over his death alongside Sacred Scripture: "As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live" (Ezekiel 11:33). Incredibly these crazed sects have seduced grossly ignorant "Catholics", many (probably most) of whom have never actually read the Bible, and therefore are easy prey to swallowing occultist John Nelson Darby's dispensationalist lies and heresy. These people are morally bankrupt and a scandal to Christian witness. 

Why do I mention this? Simply because we now know the backdrop in which this war was being planned. The backdrop was this:

As early as the first week of November 2019, U.S. military intelligence KNEW about a human-to-human pathogen being transmitted in the Wuhan region of China. ABC reported a memo that was prepared by US military intelligence as far back as the first week of November. The Times of Israel reports further details that US military intelligence tipped off NATO and Israeli IDF intelligence. 

We now know that these same governments, having received military intelligence about the pathogen did NOTHING. Why these governments did nothing is another story that involves the secret hand that is manipulating the various nations into a one, world, globalist State. 

What we do know is that in January the President of the United States was being lured into a major mid-east war, all the while military intelligence KNEW that a potentially disrupting pathogen was on the loose, and coming to America and Europe. 

Can you IMAGINE what it would have been like had the US gone to war against Iran; a country five times bigger than Iraq, a population of over 80 million; with an indigenous military industrial base, and highly skilled at unconventional warfare? It would have been a military and economic disaster. All was so perfectly timed, just as the virus was appearing on the horizon. Surely this evil plot by globalists was designed to bring down the United States.
The results: the Middle East in flames, the petroleum industry destroyed, a pandemic (real or fake, the effect would be the same based on lockdowns), economies shattered (beyond what we have now), prices skyrocketing. The question always arises: QUI BONO?

I constantly remind myself of the wise words of the late Fr. John O'Connor. "The enemy is not over in Moscow, or Peking, it's right here in Washington D. C".   And the people in Washington are certainly not working for America. They are working for a one, world, government. A godless, anti-Christian State. They are also very much aware that war can hasten the ruin of nations and usher in a new polity.
CNN just once again proved Fr. O'Connor correct. The question is, how long can Donald Trump resist these evil globalist malefactors who infest the intelligence agencies, the military, the spy agencies, Wall Street, the media...?  We see another reflection of how diabolical they are in the near universal silence in the persecution of Julian Assange and his expose of war crimes.
In all of this the Russians have been carefully watching and preparing themselves. The degenerate West has been baiting the Russians for well over two decades. The attacks, the smears, the lies and hate has increased proportionate to the rise of the Orthodox Church. Let there be no mistake; this is the REAL reason for the hatred of Russia. Even during the darkest days of the Soviet Union one did not see on television, or read in the press about the evils of that Empire. To the contrary: it was excuses, detente, and peaceful coexistence. Suddenly, with the Russians throwing off the communist yoke, with the rise of Orthodoxy, and refusing to bend the knee to Western global hegemony: they are now public enemy Number One.  Ask yourself: who benefits by hating Russia, and Her turn towards a return to the tradition of Her fathers?
But the Russians are not fools. Unlike the military-industrial complex with its trillions being wasted on aircraft carriers (floating death traps), and offensively designed weapons such as stealth jets, the Russians have quietly taken a huge lead in hypersonic rocketry. If push comes to shove, the Russians will deliver a knockout punch on the United States and western Europe.  Let us pray it does not come to this. Let us pray that the demoniacs who lust for war in Washington, London, and Brussels are removed from the halls of power. "Blessed are the Peacemakers". Matthew 5:9.

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