Sunday 12 April 2020

FR ROBERT PASLEY: Thank-you for bringing the Light of Christ into my home

This Easter Triduum, I followed the online Liturgy according to the pre-1955 ancient Rites of the Church. 

This was truly a moving experience; showing that there still are truly devoted pastors who care for the Sheep. A truly parish experience was created throughout the Triduum.

Especially meaningful during this time of being shut out of our churches was his reaching out to us through his Sermons. He was not detached, remote, but, like Our Lord, reaching out to us. 

So much work was put into preparing this Triduum for the faithful. Why? Because after Our Lord, the faithful come first. And Fr. Pasley knows this and lives this. The priest is there for one purpose: to serve the faithful to help him to get to Heaven. Anything less reeks of elitist clericalism. 

How strange it was that a Catholic living in Toronto had to seek out a priest in New Jersey for bread. 

Dear Catholic friends, I pray you found bread this Easter, and not stones. 

Here, is Fr Pasley's Sermon from today's Easter Morning Mass. The Sermon also includes a lesson to us all: especially when he warns us (without mentioning them) of those who become obsessed with externals to the point of a fetish. Religion is no longer doctrine, but theatre. How beautiful it is to hear voices singing for the love of God! Far more preferable (don't you think) than hiring paid singers (some who lead grossly immoral lifestyles) to merely provide music (all the while despising Jesus Christ and His Church). God will not be mocked. 

Please keep Fr. Pasley in your prayers. Please visit his website. 

Please start following his Liturgies, if you have not yet begun! 

A Happy and Holy Easter to you all. 

Christ is Risen, truly He has Risen. Alleleuia. 

The full Easter Mass can be found at the links at Mater Ecclesiae. 


  1. This is my first time hearing of this priest, but he is right about how Mass can become a fetish. While we must be careful to do the Mass right (in a way, it is a performance in that parts must be done appropriately by those involved), we must also be careful of presenting it as a theatrical production.

    I have seen some posters which list the celebrants of a particular Mass, even going so far as naming the choir who will singing at the Mass.

    I have even heard of some altar servers posing in front of the Altar for a photo.

    These are wrong.

    Not too far from the problem of Mass as a theatrical production is the phenomenon of liturgical tourism, especially if you decide to go there instead of supporting the local TLM(s).

  2. Irenaeus, you are correct. There are Catholics who are constantly "shopping". Disturbed people, who have unquiet souls.

    We attend the Latin Mass, not because it is "beautiful" or in "Latin", or some other human concern. We attend because it is Doctrine. People today, their minds full of mush, do not like doctrine. We believe in the Doctrine. And it is, in the words of the song from "Oklahoma": "it's all of nothing".

    Fr Pasley is a completely sincere priest who has none of these affectations. Completely down to earth with a great humour, and Catholic common sense. A man of God and the people. A man who know that as a priest is is there to help get people to Heaven.


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