Thursday 2 April 2020

TORONTO ORATORY ~ 1000 Youtube subscribers needed immediately!

Please go immediately to Youtube and subscribe to their Youtube Channel. 

The Toronto Oratory youtube channel can be linked to HERE. 

The process is very easy, just click the "subscribe" button on the right side of the screen. Sign into your google account, and you are done! 

If the Toronto Oratory achieves 1000 subscribers, they will have full access to all possible platforms for live streaming (e.g. live stream on a mobile). 

Tell your family, friends, neighbours. Spread the word far and wide. Why settle for 1000? Let's go for five, ten thousand! 

The Toronto Oratory has begun streaming daily Mass.  

The daily schedule of online Masses is: 

Novus Ordo  (10:00 a.m.)

Usus Antiquior (11:30 a.m.)


  1. Hi Barona, can you include the "Link" to the YouTube page.

    Thanks Barona, will borrow.

  2. Thank-you Vox, changes made. Now, lets hear some sermons !


We believe in a good argument. That means NO ad hominem attacks. This also includes Pope Francis. Further, referring to him by any other name, may or may not indicate a schismatic attitude, and given the confusion in the Church your comment will NOT be published. Comments are those of the commentators and not those of this blog. You may use a pseudonym... we do... Behave like a guest in our living room and you will be fine.