Thursday 19 December 2019

O Radix Jesse

O Root of Jesse, who standest for an ensign of people,
before whom kings shall keep silence,
and unto whom the Gentiles shall make their supplication:
Come to deliver us, and tarry not.


  1. *O Root of Jesse ... Come to deliver us, and tarry not.*

    Only the Holy Spirit can deliver you now from Gender Ideology in Toronto schools.

    See: *The Vortex - Tears in Toronto.*
    19 December 2019. Church Militant. YouTube.

    Jim Wilson, Tory MPP, said Cardinal Collins told him to *back off* from opposing *gender identity* and *gender expression* in schools.

    As Michael Voris explains, Gender Ideology will allow male teachers to come to school dressed as women; and little boys to wear girls' dresses, if they so choose.

    There will be disciplinary measures, leading to expulsion, for any Catholic teacher who dares to suggest that there are only two sexes.

    This anti-Christian ideology asserts that gender is merely a *social construct* - an idea opposed by Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist of many years' standing.

    Cardinal Collins has chosen the path of least resistance. It is too late now to make any appeal of reason to this weak and foolish man.

    It will be up to Catholic mothers and fathers to plan a long campaign against Gender Ideology. You are engaged in a war for the soul of Catholic education.

    You will get no support from the hierarchy.
    And the pope in Rome has chosen the path of *accompaniment* - meaning he has opened the gates to the LGBTQ movement.

    The great British general, Field Marshall Viscount Slim said:

    *In war, it is all-important to gain and retain the initiative, to make the enemy conform to your action, to dance to your tune. When you are advancing, this normally follows; if you withdraw, it is neither so obvious nor so easy.* (Page 337 of his book, Defeat Into Victory.)

    The enemies of the Catholic faith have made Cardinal Collins dance to their tune, because they have taken the bold initiative.
    So far the enemy has made all the advances, and has no fear of the opposition.

    You will need to choose your moment of counter attack, and you will need to go in very hard indeed, if you are to wield a mortal blow to the enemy.

    Remain in constant touch with traditional Catholics in the English speaking world.

    Learn a lesson from Michael Voris and Church Militant.

    Church Militant was ridiculed, vilified, and even threatened by the lying corrupt American hierarchy, not to mention the wishy-washy pseudo-Catholic media.

    But now the tide is beginning to turn, in favour of Catholic teaching and Catholic truth.
    And President Trump has appeared as a surprising Catholic ally, much to the fury of the pro-abortionists, and their shills in the Democrat Party.

    More and more of the American faithful are withholding their money from church collections, because they know the unholy uses to which their bishops are putting these huge sums of cash.
    Toronto parents opposing Gender Ideology must now do the same.

    You will also need to win the information war.

    That means opposing the propaganda of Gender Ideology with the best research available.
    These ruthless people are in the business of altering the minds of little children. They are as dangerous as Scientologists.

    Special days of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and daily recital of the Rosary will be necessary.

    Have every faithful Catholic petition a different saint with daily petitionary prayers.

    Promote the teaching of the saints in leaflets and promotional literature.

    Condemn this faithless cardinal and his spineless bishops with the teaching of the church and the Catholic Catechism.

    You can turn defeat into victory, in the words of General Slim.
    It will mean a daily walk with the Holy Spirit.

  2. It is one thing for college students to discuss Gender Theory.

    A case can be made for pupils between 12-18 years discussing it at school, since they discuss it among themselves.
    Just discussion, no experiments in role reversal involving clothing change.

    But what right do they have to use children as young as five as guinea pigs? They have no way of knowing what it will do to them in later years.

    As I said in a previous post, Gender Theory has oiled the wheels of many a successful academic career.

    In Britain performance artists subvert gender roles and make names for themselves on television or the Edinburgh Fringe.

    But it is irresponsible beyond words to introduce Gender as a tool in the formation of very young minds.

    Years from now we will look back on all this as a blatant example of psychological child abuse.

    But the perpetrators of Gender Ideology will all be retired on cushy state-paid pensions.

    And the children who were subjected to this evil experiment will be seriously mixed up about who and what they are.

    Shame on you Cardinal Collins!

    You hadn't the manhood to stand up for church teaching!

    My late Catholic father would have called you a bad priest.
    And bad priests like you are destroying the Catholic Church.

  3. If the gay mafia are *seizing operational control of the church* as Michael Voris has proven, then the same thing will happen in Catholic schools on Gender Ideology.

    What happens in Toronto today will happen in Britain tomorrow.

    See: The Vortex - The Homosexual Papacy?
    20 December 2019. Church Militant. YouTube.

    Many will disagree with my language. They want to believe in a fantasy - that the church can adapt to the new sexual morality without altering her essential character or betraying her central teachings.

    Remember, it is the Modernists who have made war on Catholic teaching and on the Catholic Catechism. But they are too dishonest to come out and say so.

    We are not being paranoid in talking of a Modernist *takeover*. Or of Modernists *seizing operational control* of the church under Pope Francis.
    That is an exact description of what's happening.

    In the United States the process has gone so far that the Catholic Church is Catholic in name only. The faithful bishops and priests must feel like Saint Athanasius when the Arians seized control of the church.

    While the appeasers like Bishop Robert Barron remain sitting on the fence, the Catholic laity will need to organise a new strategy or lose the war.

    Make no mistake. We are entering a new phase in the battle for the soul of Catholicism.

    The madness of Gender Ideology in Catholic schools marks the triumph of Modernism.


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