Sunday 11 August 2019

Toronto area Latin Masses for the Feast of the Assumption

Dear friends, this Thursday is the Feast of the Assumption. Please let family, friends and those of good will who are searching for the Truth. 

Let us never for get the words of the first Pope, St. Peter: 

"Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved". (Acts 4:12).


  1. My mother (1917-2014) loved one hymn to Mary in particular.
    She sang it at morning assembly during the month of May in Saint Peter's Girls' School, (Glasgow, Scotland).

    'O Mary, we crown thee with blossoms today,
    Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.'

    This joyous hymn was sung at her Requiem Mass in St Peter's Church.
    The same church where she had been baptised, and where she had made her First Communion, and married my father in 1944.

    At my own high school, named after Saint Pope Pius X, which I attended between 1963-69, we sang another hymn to Mary before breaking up for the summer holidays.

    'Mother of all that is pure and glad,
    All that is bright and blessed,
    As we have taken our toil to thee,
    So we must take our rest.'

    This was really our school hymn. It always makes me think of summer.
    Indeed the chorus of the hymn implored the Mother of God to bless our summer holidays.

    A second stanza begged Mary to intercede with Jesus on our behalf:

    'Speak to Thy Son as thou didst of old
    That feast day in Galilee.'

    More than once I heard of a boy or girl dying in an accident during the long vacation.
    An evening prayer learned at primary school helped me to deal with the fear of death:

    'Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
    I give you my heart and my soul.
    Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
    Assist me in my last agony.
    Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
    May I breathe forth my soul in peace with you. Amen.'

  2. Bring Flowers of the Rarest can be heard on YouTube.

    Listening to it I always wait for the words 'O grant that thy children on earth be as true.'
    Just to be a little child of God like Bernadette of Lourdes, Jeanne Jugan of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Theresa of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalksi, Sister Lucia of Fatima, or Mother Teresa of Calcutta!

    G.K. Chesterton made his decision to convert while praying at a shrine to the Virgin Mary in France.
    Chesterton said that whenever he had tried to forget the Catholic Church, it was Mary he was trying to forget.
    And when he remembered the Catholic Church, it was Mary he was remembering.
    This is in Maisie Ward's biography of Chesterton.

    It was in the pre-Vatican II Church that Chesterton found his spiritual home as did Evelyn Waugh and so many others.
    If Waugh detested the destruction of the faith after Vatican II so would Chesterton have detested it.

    It was dishonest of the liturgical Modernists to try to claim John Henry Newman as one of their own.
    I have read Newman's spiritual autobiography many times as well as six or seven biographies.
    He would have condemned the Nuovo Ordo with all its needless changes in the strongest of terms as would Cardinal Manning.
    The liturgical vandals even removed the great prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel!

    'O grant that thy children on earth be as true.'

    Ask all true Catholics to recite the Rosary daily and to offer up prayers and sacrifices for Pope Francis and Pope Benedict.

  3. The Vortex - They Don't Believe.
    Church Militant. 9 August 2019. YouTube.

    Michael Voris on the collapse of belief in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, and the failure of many American bishops to properly address this apostasy:

    'If the bishops will not teach ... the source and the summit of the Catholic faith, then the laity must step up!'

  4. I made a too brief list of Catholic women who served Christ devotedly and suffered with Him, such as Saint Jeanne Jugan, who served out her vocation under the long shadow cast by the French Revolution.

    Whenever I have had doubts about the Catholic Church, doubts concerning the Spanish and Roman Inquisition for example, or the persecution of the Cathars and the first Protestant martyrs, I have always remembered her many saints.

    I wish I had included Mother Angelica in my short list, a blessed soul I discovered all too late.
    How grateful I am to have found two tributes to her on YouTube.

    Mother Angelica's Birthday Present.
    Church Militant 17 April 2015.

    The Vortex - Mother Angelica 1923-2016.
    Church Militant March 28 2016.

    In a recent post on Toronto Catholic I mentioned Catholic convert Alice Thomas Ellis.
    Cardinal Basil Hume of England demanded that she be sacked as a columnist of The Catholic Herald because of her traditionalist views. This fact is recorded in her Wikipedia entry.

    Yet another example of a woman who faithfully served the Church being picked on by the hierarchy?
    Just like the humble Jeanne Jugan, or for that matter, dear Mother Angelica.


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