Friday, 19 January 2018

Daniel P. Horan OFM unloads expletive-riddled tirade on Twitter: Calls pro-life marchers: "Pseudo-prophets..."

Daniel P. Horan OFM., of the dissenting Holy Name Province has opined on the vast throng who have turned up in Washington. D.C for the "March for Life". 

Horan tweeted out a tirade of hate-filled statements, one even including an expletive in a self-styled "prayer". Horan goes on to accuse those who defend the unborn as indulging in "selective ________". 

This explosion of emotional anger is the true Horan: hate-filled, narcissistic, spiteful, elitist, privileged - a typical liberal white man. These are not holy words and thoughts one would expect from a follower of St. Francis. 

In a short article, Horan wrote in 2014, entitled, "The Intimate Journey of Relationship with God", he wrote of St. Francis thus: 
He would embrace those people thought to be unembraceable and love those that no one else dared to love: the poor, the sick, the forgotten, the outcast.

I guess those were just nice words as Horan prepared for his PhD. Horan has no love for pro-life marchers: no embrace, no love: only hate. 

What about the children who were rescued from abortion, who walk in the "March for Life". What about the women who have had abortions and suffer because of their "choice", who walk in the "March for Life". What about parents who have lost daughters, who died from supposed, "safe, legal" abortions, who walk in the "March for Life". What abut the couples who cannot adopt, because there are no children to adopt...?

And what about Mary Wagner, who CANNOT walk in the "March for Life" because she is in prison for her pro-life beliefs in Canada?

Dan Horan: who are you to judge Mary Wagner, and all millions of people who oppose abortion?

Dan Horan: some "intimate journey", some "relationship with God". 


  1. wonder what (s)he'll tweet about the pussy march tomorrow - maybe he'll be there (the devil surely will).

  2. Pope Francis would love this guy. They think the same way and use the same words. #CarbonCopy


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