Tuesday 15 March 2016

Mary Wagner: her trial concludes March 16, 2016 in Toronto at the Old City Hall Courthouse

Dear friends, tomorrow morning, at 10 a.m. at the Old City Hall Courthouse in Room M1, in downtown Toronto, our dear sister in Christ, Mary Wagner will have her trial concluded. Arrested at a Toronto abortuary on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 2015, Mary has been dwelling at the Vanier Centre for Women in maximum security since her arrest. Her trial opened on March 10th last week with seventeen supporters present. 

Following her Opening Statement to the court, prior to the commencement of her trial emphasizing the horrible and brutal reality that "unborn children are not protected in this country", Mary went silent, in solidarity with the voiceless victims. Abortion continues in sad Canada simply because the vast majority of people are indifferent to the slaughter. 

Tomorrow Mary may or may not be physically set free. That is ultimately in God's hands. I will quote a few of her words about true freedom.

"What is the greatest freedom? What does Jesus tell us? "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free" (Jn 8:31). 

Dear friends, I ask you to join us in praying the Rosary for Mary and her intentions tomorrow at 9 a.m. 

Mary, may God be with you - we love you! May the Holy Mother of God embrace you into her Immaculate Heart!


  1. Wagner redefines iron will.

  2. Linda and Mary deserve the .Nobel Peace Prize...
    St. Joseph - Pray for us.


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