Saturday 17 October 2015

SCHISM?: The gauntlet thrown down by the Polish Episcopate moves the debate over dissent from theory to reality ~ something has to break!

When Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki stated that his intervention was in the name of the entire Polish Episcopate he was making a declaration of Faith by Catholicism in Poland what refuses to cross the line into the false "pastoral" delusions of the adulterists and homosexualists. Pope Francis could not have failed to notice the seriousness of the intervention; not just because it laid out the doctrinal reasons for opposing the Aldulterist and Homosexualist Party, but that the Church in Poland was and is ready to resist any attempt to overturn doctrine in the name of a false pseudo-mercy; indeed a satanic mercy.

The not so cryptic message the Poles were announcing is that they are not budging. God forbid, if the Pope declares in favour of heresy, what then? Now Archbishop Gądecki has been very careful to always speak of the Pope upholding doctrine. However upholding doctrine in theory is one thing, allowing moral, spiritual and pastoral mayhem is another. A Pope can cause serious damage by just doing nothing, when he should be doing something! If the entire hierarchy of Poland resists, the result is Schism. Plain and simple. The schism would come not from Poland, but from Germany, Belgium, perhaps even Rome. The worst scenario would be a Pope - in spirit schismatic - but still canonically head of the Church. 

"St. Augustine is fully aware that not all members of the clerical state and hierarchy are holy men, and if such is the case what is the relation of the wicked members to the body of Christ?  The relation is the same as that of all other members. Good bishops participate fully in the life of the mystical body; they, as principal members are bound to it by life-giving ties. Bad bishops, may have jurisdictional powers and authority and belong to the Church, like all sinners not separated from it, but they do not participate in the life of grace. They are not however severed either from the external Church or the mystical body... till the end of time two categories of pastors are bound to exist. There are shepherds “who occupy a pastoral chair in order to tend to the sheep; others, however, sit on them in order to enjoy temporal honors and secular advantages” Unrighteous bishops are not honored with the name of sons, but are called mercenaries. St. Peter, who is portrayed by St. Augustine as a personification of the Church, is also presented as a symbol of all the pastors of the Church. However, it is only good pastors and not of mercenaries that Peter is opposition to the other apostles, Judas is reputed to be such a mercenary; and if this happened to one of the apostles, who were so close to Christ, there should not be reason for scandal if his example finds imitators among the apostles' successors. They can have a place in the temporal existence of the Church, but will not enjoy the eternal existence of the mystical body of Christ" (Grabowski, pp. 219-221).

A breaking point is coming. The more overt dissenters - the majority of the Bishops in Germany and Belgium - are being joined by assorted furtive fellow travelers, such as Cardinals Dew and Maestrojuan, Archbishop Cupich to Vatican functionaries who seek to control (and fail miserably at it, I must add) the information flow from the Synod.   

The ball, so to speak, is in the Pope's court. I predict that we may well be in for a type of devolution to the local Ordinary on "pastoral" issues, just as Cardinal Cottier opined recently to Antonio Spadaro S.J. But this will be no more than barely keeping the lid on the schismatic soup. There already is a de facto schism in spirit. There is an apostasy. What else can one call it when Bishops openly flaunt the teachings on the Church about the intrinsic evil of homosexuals acts? These same mad ravings uttered with impunity in Rome! No rebuke, why? Because the madmen have taken over the Church. 

Reference: Grabowski, S. J. (1957). The Church: An introduction to the theology of St. Augustine. B. Herder Book Co; St. Louis, MO and London, England.


  1. Well, I'm not trying to be funny when I say that the Church has had a de facto schism in place since the late 1960s. Hamish Fraser saw it already then, and wrote about it constantly in his journal APPROACHES, as did his son Anthony (RIP) in his continuation of his late father's journalistic efforts. John Paul II was terrified of expanding the schism which somewhat explains his near-total lack of strong governance when he was Pope. Benedict XVI too, most likely.

    The one silver lining in this cloud is that the heretics, poofs and schismatics will be showing their true colors more boldly now, and that should remove the scales from some people's eyes.

  2. Seems to me if there is any Schism it is Rome creating it...or continuing it...does Rome actually have the Catholic Faith anymore?

  3. By the way, I think you might be interested in a sci fi novel which treats of Catholicism since the sixties, from the view of the first space colony.

  4. thanks for posting this!!! as somebody who has a very good command of the english language - I'm delighted to see that some of my non-polish speaking brothers in our church have taken the effort to get to know "our" church!!! I have moved to Poland from Australia - to the consternation of many people trying miserably here to make a living - so as to join in this final , may we even say, end-time movement!!!!

    I have been frustrated by the "unseen" administration of our church which also has it's "forces" in our church hierarchy!!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! as being way outside the reach of "church" powers so to speak from here - this message is getting out to the WHOLE World!!!

    There is too much to say on this topic in the comments - please feel free to contact via FB
    Błażej Stęszewski


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