Friday 9 October 2015

Blasphemy and Heresy ~ Is this the screenshot the Holy See Press Office DOES NOT want you to see?!

Rorate Caeli reports that the French language commentaries have been removed from the Polish Bishops Episcopal Conference's website, but not before they made a copy. The Polish commentaries have been - for now - retained, but changed into a generic overview (likewise, I too providentially made copies of all Polish language commentaries).

Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki had been meticulously documenting the various interventions and publishing them on his blog; each intervention had the prelate's name and a summation of his statement. No more. Heresy can now be spouted with anonymity. (and there is much, much more....more to come on this; exposing the lies of October 2014). 

What was SO troublesome that drew the ire of Baldisseri and company leading to this unprecedented censorious act? The exposure of blasphemy and heresy by a Cardinal Archbishop! That is what is disturbing these men! Not the sin of blasphemy and heresy, but it being brought to light!

But they cannot hide or bury it. Here it is, dear readers, here is the heretical outburst that came from the mouth of a Prince of the Church: 


"Moses drew near to the people and gave way. Likewise today, the 'hardness of hearts' opposes God's plan. Could Peter not be merciful like Moses"?


  1. There goes the New (restored) Covenant, eh? With Cardinals like Maestrojuán, opposition from outside the Church seems insignificant.

    Again, perhaps the unintended effect of this Synod (and this papacy) is the exposure of all the crap (can't use the stronger word...), i.e., all the deceit and heresy formerly hidden behind the lips of clergy.

  2. Guy that's the only reason I was happy and excited by this mess at the Synod. Until now all this evil has been in hiding. Now it is exposed to the Light of Christ! Heaven help the poor faithful who don't understand. But for me who saw it face-to-face, I am rejoicing to see the head of the Snake! Now comes the FOOT of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Seed! God bless you. Susan Fox


We believe in a good argument. That means NO ad hominem attacks. This also includes Pope Francis. Further, referring to him by any other name, may or may not indicate a schismatic attitude, and given the confusion in the Church your comment will NOT be published. Comments are those of the commentators and not those of this blog. You may use a pseudonym... we do... Behave like a guest in our living room and you will be fine.