Monday 10 November 2014

The Catholic-Anglican Dialogue Delusion: how can Catholics dialogue with those who promote an "ideology of evil"?

 It is, of course, essential that the doctrine should be clearly presented in its entirety. Nothing is so foreign to the spirit of ecumenism as a false irenicism, in which the purity of Catholic doctrine suffers loss and its genuine and certain meaning is clouded.
Unitatis Redintegratio

On November 9th, at St. James', the Anglican Cathedral in Toronto,a new initiative was launched by the ARC (Anglican-Roman Catholic) and ARC-B (Anglican -Roman Catholic bishops) dialogue of Canada to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the declaration of the Second Vatican Council on ecumenism. A glossy brochure (who knows how much it cost) on this initiative has been printed by the CCCB and the event was broadcast (thankfully) to a sparsely populated congregation. Those in attendance, were, from viewing the Salt and Light broadcast, predominantly elderly, white men. Absolutely no representation of the future of the Church. 

The "Rt. Rev Linda Nicholls"
Yet, who exactly are our dialogue partners? Sadly, a sect that is about to acknowledge "another ideology of evil (St. Pope John Paul II, referring to the abomination of "same-sex marriage").  One of the presiders at the "prayer service" was one, the "Rt. Rev Bishop" Linda Nicholls. Who exactly is this bishopess? From what I have gleaned, "Bishop" Nicholls is an advocate of so-called "same sex marriage", and is on the Canadian Church of England's commission for changing its 21st canon to accommodate this abomination.

However, Bishop Nicholls endorsed the plan put forward by the Diocese of Toronto’s House of Bishops last year that formally instituted rites for the blessing of same-sex unions. (source)

Rightly, did our sainted Pope, St. John Paul II identify this as an "ideology of evil". 

How can Catholic bishops dialogue with the proponents of evil? Only in calling out this evil and calling its advocates to repentance. Sadly, this was not done, nor will be done. This leads me to another point: it is wrong to mislead Anglicans that any unity is possible. We are dealing with a sect that has overthrown the sacramental system, perverted the priesthood, and is now actively demolishing marriage. The Church of England is a broken cistern from which the waters of life have long since vanished. 


  1. Why do Catholics go through the motions of ecumenism?

  2. Another reason I don't give a penny to the CCCB, what absolute joke to reach to these pseudo Christians. JMJ help us we are lost.

  3. I am 34, and was (the youngest person) in attendance at the event and the reception afterwards. There are two words to describe what went on that night: diabolical disorientation.

    i am very very familiar with the inner workings of these committees and and the people on them, both bishops and "bishopettes". Those on the Roman side involved with this "dialogue" are syncretists of the first order. It is very interesting to note that the ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter was sitting in the congregation and the EXISTENCE of the ordinariates - the most healthy and faithful fruit of the ecumenical dialogue - was not even mentioned, and I did overhear some people mocking the ordinariate at the reception.


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