Monday 3 November 2014

St. Pope John Paul II: the "cultural warrior" is to be eliminated by the Adulterist and Homosexualist Parties that seek to pervert Church doctrine

St. John Paul II was forgotten at the Synod; it is now becoming apparent that the long-term preferred action is that his influence be eliminated. It is becoming more and more obvious that this man has become a serious threat to the innovators (the Bruno Forte clique) who seem to have developed tentacles everywhere. The platitudes and nice words towards the late pope may still continue, but the active suppression of his doctrine will increase. As a Polish priest once said: "you may have a picture of John Paul up in your home, but how do you actually live? Do you live according to what he taught"? 
Good questions, that need answers. 

La Stampa carries an article about actual and potential changes to the US episcopate. All of this a highly organized "putsch" being carried out within the Holy See by the "Adulterist" and "Homosexualist" Parties. The English language spokesman, Thomas Rosica, CSB, "cultural warrior" of the Adulterist and Homosexualist positions, tweets and approves of eliminating pro-life "cultural warrior" bishops (under the pretext that they are lackeys of international capitalism). Apparently, a truly modern bishop is to tone down opposition to the "unspeakable crime" (c.f. Gaudium et Spes) of abortion. It is as if these innovators are the ones who are trying to provoke schism. 

If only the United States (not to mention Canada and the eternal shame of the gradualist "Winnipeg Statement") had had a few more, and truly loyal sons of the Church, perhaps there would have been less abortions? History has shown us the results of cowardly bishops (just cowardly alone): does anyone remember Bishop Fisher breaking with his cowardly fellow bishops and making a one man stand against a tyrant? 

A little know passage in the English speaking world is from "cultural warrior", St. Pope John Paul II, who was no lackey of capitalism (or socialism, I might add) when he spoke these words at the military airport in Radom, Poland in 1990:

"the burial of the victims of human cruelty in our century is accompanied by yet another big cemetery: the cemetery of the unborn, the cemetery of the defenseless, whose face was not even recognized by his own mother, who accepted or yielded to pressure to take their lives away before they are born. 

Yet there was a life, conceived, developed at the heart of their mothers, yet not sensing the mortal danger. And once the threat has become a reality, these defenseless human beings tried to defend himself. " (trans. Barona)

Contrary to what the innovators claim (e.g. a false union between capitalists and pro-life activists/bishops. Another lie: capitalism is a major engine that drives the individualistic mindset that feeds abortion.c.f. Pius XI) there is no dichotomy between fighting for the poor and fighting against the scourge of abortion. St Pope John Paul II buried this canard through his life and preaching. Preaching, I must add that these innovators devoted their lives to distorting and suppressing. 

Have you ever heard from the pulpit a sermon against abortion, or contraception, or against fornication, adultery, or against homosexuality? When was the last time your parish priest preached about modesty, the scourge of pornography? if the answer is very, very rarely or never: you certainly have a coward before you, if not a traitor. 

For Pope John Paul II preached for a programme of sexual ethics to be taught and catechized about. He was betrayed; now he is to be ignored and forgotten. 

St. Pope John Paul II, pray for us. 


  1. I don't know how Cardinal Francis George got this great reputation as a conservative. He did not do well in leading the Legion of Mary when he was bishop of Yakima, Wash. He ignored it. He allowed the orthodox truly Catholic Dominican Sisters of St. Cecelia's to get pushed out of his archdiocese in Chicago. He did not speak out against same sex marriage very strongly BEFORE it came to Illinois. I thought his remarks were tepid at best. He did speak out against it after it was the law in Illinois and after his retirement was announced! The whole U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops betrayed the Catholic lay faithful by convincing the pro-life Democrats in the House to vote for Obama "Care," believing Barack Obama's promises not to force abortion taxation down our collective throats. Why were they so naive to believe such a despicable two timing man I don't know. And how could they consider the only danger of that health care to be abortion? What about forced euthanasia by denying health care to the sick? God please give us bishops with some good sense! Every time there's a change in leadership of the USCCB we get our hopes up and think things will change. But every time we are disappointed. Neither Pope Saint John Paul II nor Pope Benedict XVI did any good influencing U.S. Catholic leadership. Why should we expect Pope Francis to do any better, and how can we blame him when his predecessors did just as poorly. God bless you. Susan Fox

  2. Incredible post! Keep these coming; we need to hear that we are not alone in our Faith, in our perceptions of what is happening in and to our Churches. God bless St John Paul!


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