Friday 13 September 2013


The Church in Scotland is teetering on the verge of collapse. Churches may still be "open", Mass still said.... glitzy websites may still be operative, grand so-called social justice statements may still be proclaimed from the rooftops, bishops may still blow wind - BUT, but, the local Catholic Church - the church of my childhood, boyhood, and young manhood is in meltdown. 

The course may still be reversed if, and only if, there is immediate and total intervention from Rome: NOW. The Scottish hierarchy is corrupt. We know that it was not a few weeks ago when they tried to shift all the blame for their coverups on child abuse onto Cardinal O'Brien. Very convenient to blame a man unable to defend himself. And the latest news and horror stories of episcopal coverup and lies proves the very point: bishops, take responsibility yourselves, and stop throwing convenient scapegoats under the bus! 

However, things are getting worrisome for the bishops. Priests are beginning to openly rebel against the scheming of the hierarchy: 

Significantly, there are now signs of rebellion among the clergy themselves. The Catholic church insists on silence and obedience from its priests but Father Gerard Magee of St Winin's in Kilwinning, has written to the papal nuncio in London, backing Father Lawson and criticising the diocese. "What they are doing is underhand, malicious and sinister," he writes. "They hide behind ... canon law and, by doing so, they abuse the same law and make a mockery of it."

The latest outrage is the actions of the bishop John Cunningham who has taken canonical action against Fr. Patrick Lawson who saw no other option but to speak to the press. This case involves the sad case of victim Paul Smythe who suffered homosexual abuse at the hands of Paul Moore. The Guardian carries the full, tragic tale. 

Readers will know that the initial whistleblower of note is Fr. Matthew Despard. The planned canonical action against him did not take place, given the fear of the hierarchy that even more filth would be exposed, and many bishops and their hangers-on (clerical and lay) be brought down. 

This evil will come to an end. The Church in Scotland will be purified. I can tell you from my personal contacts that much, much more is known about what is going on than what is even revealed in the press. When the abused, and employees are ready - they will come forward in the fullness of time to expose and force these Judases out! I thank God that Fr. Magee has written to the Nuncio. I ask all Scottish readers to contact the Nuncio, His Grace, Archbishop Mennini. Unfortunately, there is a plot amongst corrupt British bishops to have him removed - so move quickly! 

And be warned: this blog is getting thousands, and thousands of readers from Scotland. My contacts in Scotland inform me that they deeply appreciate the efforts of Witness to expose this evil. We will not be silent! 

Scottish Catholics! Fight for the Church! St. John Ogilvie, pray for us! Canon Taylor of Carfin, pray for us! May Our Lady, Queen of Scotland protect her holy priests!

Papal Nuncio to the United Kingdom

His Grace Antonio Mennini

54 Parkside, Wimbledon
London, England
SW19 5NE



  1. Montfort, I'm really appreciating the obviously well-informed coverage you are providing on the "filth" inside the Church in Scotland. I look forward to more of such postings.

  2. This is so true please support my son he is being crucified for speaking out. They are doing everything to discredit him
    Rose Lawson

  3. I would like to express my sincere and deepest sympathies for Father Patrick Lawson for all the needless pain and suffering he has had to endure these last few years.
    And I would like to express my great admiration and respect for Father Lawson for his amazing courage and resilience during the time he has been fighting for true justice both for himself and his fellow clergy abuse survivors.
    I think it also truly morally reprehensible that the Scottish bishops have freely and wrongfully given support and backing to Father Lawson's priest abuser instead of their rightfully providing proper support and backing to Father Lawson. That's not only unjust and despicable; it is indeed unchristian.
    As a devout non-Christian Canadian who detests all kinds of clergy abuse that has occurred in every human religion around the world these last years, I do highly applaud and highly commend Father Lawson for being such a feisty Catholic whistleblower and I do sincerely hope and pray that he is fully and completely successful in his obtaining true justice both for himself and his fellow clergy abuse survivors.
    ---Judy Hageman, Canada


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