Saturday 29 June 2019

Pope Francis: Is he the Pope or the False Prophet?

Over the past few months there are those who are claiming the Pope is not the Pope. These voices have become more hysterical as the crisis deepens (this is obviously the work of Lucifer to induce Catholics to abandon the Faith due to Francis' "apostasy"). 

Let us ask ourselves:

Who would declare the Pope has lost his "office", and by what authority?

Who would decide what "manifest heresy" is, and by what authority? 

I refer readers to an article written a number of years ago by Br. Andre Marie, in which he wrote the following: 

Regarding the possibility of an heretical pope and his consequent loss of office, I would like to present another argument. Supposing we were to follow the opinions of certain authors that if a pope were to fall into heresy, he would then lose his office. Then suppose that we were to apply that opinion to a certain pope. At best, what we have accomplished is to establish, based upon theological speculation, the possibility that the See of Peter could be vacant. That is all we could do, given the uncertain nature of this situation. At this point, the individual Catholic is at a moral juncture: Either accept a man as the Roman Pontiff whom he thinks might not be pope, or reject him. If he realizes that the claimant to the Apostolic See might be the pope — and he has to admit that he might be — then rejecting the claimant constitutes a schismatic act.  
Let me explain. This is what is known in moral theology as a “practical doubt.” About this “practical doubt” the Jesuit moralist, Father Slater, says the following. “If I eat meat with a practical doubt as to whether it is not forbidden on that day by the Church, I commit a sin of the same kind and malice as if I ate meat knowingly on a day of abstinence.” Apply this to the pontificate. If I refuse my subjection to the Roman Pontiff with a practical doubt as to whether or not he is the pope, I commit an act of schism. It’s a form of spiritual Russian Roulette. 

Let those who have already fallen into sedevacantism consider Br.Andre Marie again:

“Yes, and we all know what our Lord did. He deposed the high priest and declared the Seat of Moses vacant! Didn’t He?” The point is simply this: If the Man-God himself had enough respect for the sovereign pontiff of the law of types and figures as to say of the heretical Jew who was soon to murder Him, that he sat “in the seat of Moses,” how does anyone in the present law, the more perfect law, dare to do the opposite? Let me spell this out. Our Lord was not a sedevacantist. The evil deicide heretic who had authority over the “church” of Israel, was still the head of the true Religion. The religious society of the Old Law was still intact. 
Anyone wishing to save his soul could look to this office for leadership. Its sacrifices were accepted by God, and despite the abusive use to which it was put, the prophetical office was even maintained by this man. What did St. John say about Caiphas’ prophesy of our Lord’s death? “And this he spoke not of himself: but being the high priest of that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for the nation.” No matter how you view it, the present Pope’s actions come nowhere near the iniquity of Caiphas.

Friends, the temptation to schism (and heresy) will increase as Rome darkens. DO NOT abandon the Faith for some Synagogue of Satan. The Church is ONE and She is visible. 

We have a lot of spiritual work before us. Are we ready and willing to take on this task? If we are, then we can delay the coming of Antichrist and his False Prophet. 

At the coming of Antichrist there will be an imposter on the Throne of Peter, a bishop, but not the Pope: he is known in Sacred Scripture as the False Prophet, and he will serve Antichrist. 

However, we have yet to see the manifestation of Antichrist, a Jew who will be the agent of Lucifer and a monstrous parody of Our Lord Jesus Christ. However, we do see definite spiritual and geopolitical signs that the stage is being set for the manifestation of the Man of Perdition. 

It is our duty, as Catholics, to pray for the Pope, as it was the duty of Jews to pray for Caiphas, the "pope" of the then, true Old Testament Church. The Jews failed in their duty, and Caiphas committed the greatest spiritual crime in history: Deicide.

With the Crucifixion of the Messiah, the Jews fell into mass apostasy and the faithful remnant of Israel entered the Church, the New and only Israel. Let us pray for the Pope, so that he does not commit the second gravest crime in history: becoming the False Prophet, and serving Antichrist.

Pray for the Pope, pray for the conversion of the Jews. 

Friday 28 June 2019

Pope Francis on the Multiplication of the Loaves: Most missed the REAL and FAR MORE DANGEROUS error!

I have read Pope Francis' recent homily on the Multiplication of the Loaves. I did not read anywhere that he actually denied the miracle of the multiplication. Even if he had, there is a far, far greater danger than denying a miracle in Sacred Scriptures. No, this is a much more subtle undertaking, and therefore much more dangerous. There is no crudity in this. The question might even arise, who composed the Pope's homily: a masterpiece of kaleidoscopic shifting. 

No, what happened was the Pope shifted the emphasis from the supernatural to secondary, natural effects of the miracle. The supernatural is downplayed - not denied, notice - and the natural is given pride of place. 



How many times over the past few centuries have the Popes warned about the dangers and errors of naturalism!

This shift to naturalism, to a horizontal "Christianity" that Paul VI warned about in the late 1960s has swamped the Church. Naturalism led automatically to grave errors regarding the Eucharist. 

One in particular is known as the "pneumatic presence", and it is very popular in the Church. And, it is gaining strength. The Real Presence, if not denied outright, is confused with secondary "presences", such as the spiritual, along with new ideas such as placing Man at the centre of of "presence". In other words, the deification of Man. 

This grave error, this heresy, is the implication that the Church, the people  at Mass, the congregation become the Body of Christ. In other words, that the Eucharist is the people. Specifically, when the priest says: "this is my body..." he is referring to the congregation becoming the "real presence". This is the "pneumatic presence" condemned in No. 39 of Mysterium Fidei. Consider the Eucharistic Congress in Manila a few years ago. There is NO GREATER ERROR than to attack the Dogma of the Real Presence. This shift, ever so subtle to wards the giving of "self", within the context of a homily on a miracle, rather than a direct homily on the Eucharist, is, in my opinion, a very skillful infusion of "pneumatic theology" into miracles that pre-figured Transubstantiation. DO you see where this is leading? 

Here is an excellent exposition of the heresy of the "pneumatic presence". I obtained this from a link at the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops' "National Liturgy Office" website. It has been on the CCCB website since 2010. How many Catholics have been poisoned with this? How is it possible that the bishops allow, promote it? Draw your own conclusions. 

A final question: what really, ultimately (see my comment on this word above in the second and seventh paragraphs) is taking place? In a word: transformation. Through the transformation of the Eucharistic gifts into the Body and Blood of Christ—that takes place through the medium of and in the course of the Eucharistic Prayer and the reception of Communion, the members of the participating assembly are being transformed more completely into the ecclesial Body of Christ and ultimately (that word again) into the full Communion of Saints. Without that ultimate transformation at least beginning to take place, some would say that we have Eucharist in name only, but not in reality.
Robert J. Daly, S.J.
Boston College

Sunday 23 June 2019

EMANUEL JAQUES: Toronto's forgotten, little saint who was tortured and murdered by homosexual sadists

Emanuel Jaques was a 12 year old boy when he was abducted and tortured for over 12 hours by four homosexual sadists on Yonge Street, back on July 29, 1977. [warning graphic content]. 

Having raped and tortured Emanuel for half a day, the homosexual sadists finally murdered Emanuel by holding his head in a kitchen sink filled with urine. 

Yes, urine. 

Torture, sadism, perversion, abuse...

This is homosexual depravity at it demonic, satanic conclusion

St. John Chrysostom wrote about this great evil, its causes and effects. 

Emanuel was a Catholic, and a recent immigrant to Canada with his family from Portugal. I have written about Emanuel before, and will continue to do so. It is indeed scandalous that Emanuel is forgotten by the local Church. 

Holy Cross Cemetery in north Toronto,
where Emanuel's mortal remains are buried

I call upon the Archdiocese of Toronto to seek to have Emanuel declared "venerable".  

Today, in downtown Toronto, a godless hoard ("hell appearing before its time" St. John Chrysostom) will gather to blaspheme God and His creation ("male and female He created them" Gn 1:27) and to "celebrate" sexual perversion. In continued mockery, one of his murderers is out on partial parole in B.C. This is how much children are "valued" in our society.

During this time, let us turn to Emanuel in prayer. Let us pray that through his death, graces will be accepted by homosexuals (many, many who have succumbed to this vice due to sexual abuse when young) who will repent and turn away from sin. 

Let us now once again implore Emanuel to pray for us and for the conversion of homosexuals.

Emanuel Jaques, pray for us. 
"To all homosexuals we say: Peace, Hope, and Joy in your daily pursuit of chastity and holiness. God be with you! May you always keep in your hearts the words of St. Paul, 'You are not called to immorality but to holiness' ".  
Very Rev. Mgr. Vincent Foy 

Thursday 20 June 2019

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi procession in the Vatican with Pope Gregory XVI.
The sun has risen in his splendor, while the sweet chants of the sanctuary have been greeting the coming of the divine Orient. The appointed ministers of the sacred psalmody have been giving, in the name of the whole world, the solemn tribute of Lauds to God the Creator and Redeemer; and now that the king of day is up, we behold a very busy scene outside the precincts of the holy place: the children of men are all intent on a work, in which neither the desire of lucre, nor the thirst for pleasure, have any share. Tidings of salvation have been heard; the voice of rejoicing is in the tabernacles of the just: "God is preparing to visit His creatures; Emmanuel, Who is present in the Sacred Host, is about to go forth from His sanctuary; He is coming into your cities and your fields, to hold court in your green forests; the Lord God hath shone upon you, He hath appointed this solemn day; prepare His throne with shady boughs, and cover the way to the horn of the altar with flowers!" (Psalms)

This announcement has excited a holy enthusiasm in the souls of men. For several previous days, many a faithful heart has had something of the feeling which animated David, when he vowed his vow to the God of Jacob: "I will not enter into the tabernacle of my house, I will not go up into the bed wherein I lie, I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or rest to my temples, until I find out a place for the Lord, and a tabernacle for the God of Jacob" (Ps. 131: 3-5). O beautiful resting-places where are to stand the feet of the King of peace! Short-lived but exquisite designs! The product of that sacred poetry which comes from the supernatural love of the Christian! We see them today, save where cold heresy has come to keep man from being too earnest in his worship of his Savior! On every truly Catholic heart, even on some who, at all other times, seem to be out of the influence of grace, the Mystery of Faith makes its power tell; and many a wife, and daughter, and sister, who have seen the other feasts of the year of grace pass by and produce no effect on those dear to them, on this bright morning have beheld them all busy in preparing decorations for the triumphant procession of Emmanuel (Whom they have so long neglected to receive), and spending themselves in getting the best of everything they can give, or procure, for the God Who is so soon to pass by that way, and, passing, to give these dear ones the blessing of a conversion! It is the wakening up of the Faith of their Baptism; it is the grace of the Sacrament of Love working at a distance; a grace of a reminder of other and happier days, of First Communion perhaps; and when Jesus passes through the crowd, He will look at them, and they shall remember, and shall be converted to the Lord (Ps. 21: 28).

he grand Feast has, at length, dawned upon us; and everything is speaking of the triumph of faith and love. During the Feast of the Ascension, when commenting on these words of Our Lord: "It is expedient to you that I go" (John 16: 7), we were saying that the withdrawal of the visible presence of the Man-God from the eyes of men on earth, would bring among them, by the vivid operation of the Holy Ghost, a plenitude of light and a warmth of love which they had not had for Jesus, during His mortal life among them; the only creature that had rendered to Him, in Her single self, the whole of those duties which the Church afterwards paid Him, was Mary, who was illumined with Faith.

In his exquisite hymn, Adore Te Devote, St. Thomas Aquinas says: "On the Cross the Divinity alone was hid; but here the Humanity, too, is hid;" and yet, on no day of the year is the Church more triumphant, or more demonstrative, than She is upon this Feast. Heaven is all radiant; our earth has clad herself with her best, that she may do homage to Him, Who has said: "I am the Flower of the fields, and the Lily of the valleys" (Cant. 2: 1). Holy Church is not satisfied with having prepared a throne whereon, during the whole of this Octave, the Sacred Host is to receive the adorations of the faithful; She has decreed that these days of solemn and loving exposition be preceded by the pageant of a triumph. Not satisfied today with elevating the Bread of Life immediately after the Consecration, She will carry It beyond the precincts of Her churches, amidst clouds of incense, and on paths strewn with flowers; and Her children, on bended knee, will adore, under heaven's vaulted canopy, Him Who is their King and their God.

Those joys, which each separate solemnity of the year brought us, seem to come back upon us, all of them at once, today. The royal prophet had foretold this, when he said: "He (the Lord) hath made a remembrance of His wonderful works: He hath given Food to them that fear Him" (Ps. 110, 4-5). Holy Church is filled with enthusiasm, holding in Her arms that Divine Spouse, Who said: "Behold! I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world" (Matt. 28: 20). Nothing could be more formal; and the promise has been faithfully kept. It is true, we beheld Him ascending from Mount Olivet; He went up into Heaven, and there He sitteth at His Father's right hand: but ever since the memorable day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost took possession of the Church, the sacred mystery of the Last Supper has been celebrated, in virtue of those words spoken by Jesus: Do this in remembrance of Me; and from that day forward, the human race has never been deprived of the presence of its Head and its Redeemer. No wonder, therefore, that Holy Mother Church, possessing, as She does, the Word, the Son of God, is suddenly filled with wisdom. The Sacramental Species, it is true, are there shrouding the mystery; but they are only existing for the purpose of leading into the invisible…"

[These are the last words written for this work by Abbot Prosper Louis Pascal Gueranger. He was on the point of completing this section of The Liturgical Year, when death came upon him on January 30, 1875.] 
The Corpus Christi Procession

This solemn homage to the Sacred Host is a later institution than the Feast itself. Pope Urban IV, does not mention it in his Bull of Institution in 1264. We first find mention of this procession in a Council held at Sens in 1320: "As to the solemn procession made on Thursday's Feast, when the Holy Sacrament is carried, seeing that it appears to have been introduced in these our times by a sort of inspiration, we prescribe nothing at present, and leave all concerning it to the devotion of the clergy and people." It seems, then, that the initiative of the institution of today's procession was given by the devotion of the faithful; and that this admirable completion of this Feast began in France, and thence was adopted in all the Churches of the West.

There is ground for supposing that at first the Sacred Host was carried in these processions veiled over, or enclosed in a sort of rich shrine. Even as far back as the 11th century, it had been the custom, in some places, to carry It in this way during the processions of Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday morning. The use of ostensoria, or monstrances, as they are termed in a Council held in 1452 at Cologne, soon followed the institution of the new procession. They were made, at first, in shape like little towers. In a manuscript Missal, dated 1374, the letter D, the first letter of the Collect for Corpus Christi, gives us a miniature illustration representing a bishop, accompanied by two acolytes, who is carrying a Host in a golden tower with four openings. But Catholic piety soon sought to compensate the Sun of Justice for thus hiding Himself and His glory in the Mystery of Love. The Sacred Host was now exposed to the gaze of the faithful, enclosed in a crystal sphere, surrounded by rays of gold, or of other precious materials.

And yet the Protestant heresy, which was then beginning, gave the name of novelty, superstition, and idolatry, to these natural developments of Catholic worship, prompted, as they were, by faith and love. The Council of Trent pronounced anathema upon these calumnies; and, in a Chapter apart, showed how rightly the Church had acted in countenancing these practices: "The holy Council declares that there has been most piously and religiously introduced into God's Church the practice, that each year, on a certain special feast, the august and venerable Sacrament should be honored with singular veneration and solemnity, and that It should be reverently and with every honor carried in processions through the public roads and places. For it is most just that certain holidays should be appointed, whereon all Christians should, with special and unusual demonstrations, evince their gratitude and mindfulness towards their common Lord and Redeemer, for this so unspeakable and truly divine Favor, in which is represented His victory and triumph over death. And it was also necessary, that thus invincible truth should triumph over lying and heresy; that Her enemies, seeing all that splendor, and being in the midst of such great joy of the whole Church, should either grow wearied and acknowledge their being beaten and broken, or, being ashamed and confounded, should be converted."

Fr. Faber, in his Blessed Sacrament, has given us a summary of the sentiments of true Catholics during the Corpus Christi processions of the not-too-distant past: "Oh, the joy of the immense glory the Church is sending up to God this hour! Verily as if the world was all unfallen still. We think, and, as we think, the thoughts are like so many successive tidal waves filling our whole souls with the fullness of delight, of all the thousands of Masses which are being said or sung the whole world over, and all rising with one note of blissful acclamation, from grateful creatures, to the majesty of our merciful Creator. How many glorious processions, with the sun upon their banners, are now wending their way round the squares of mighty cities, through the flower-strewn streets of Christian villages, through the antique cloisters of the glorious cathedral, or though the grounds of the devout seminary, where the various colors of the faces, and the different languages of the people are only so many fresh tokens of the unity of that Faith, which they are all exultingly professing in the single voice of the magnificent ritual of Rome! Upon how many altars of various architecture, amid sweet flowers and starry lights, amid clouds of humble incense, and the tumult of thrilling song, before thousands of prostrate worshippers, is the Blessed Sacrament raised for exposition, or taken down for Benediction! And how many blessed acts of faith and love, of triumph and reparation, do not each of these things surely represent! The world over, the summer air is filled with the voice of song. The gardens are shorn of their fairest blossoms, to be flung beneath the feet of the Sacramental God. The steeples are reeling with the clang of bells; the cannon are booming in the gorges of the Andes and the Apennines; the ships of the harbors are painting the bays of the sea with their show of colorful flags; the pomp of royal or national armies salutes the King of kings. The Pope on his throne, and the school-girl in her village, cloistered nuns, and sequestered hermits, bishops and dignitaries and preachers, emperors and kings and princes, all are engrossed today with the Blessed Sacrament. Cities are illuminated; the dwellings of men are alive with exultation. Joy so abounds that men rejoice though they know not why, and their joy overflows on sad hearts, and on the poor, and the imprisoned, and the wandering, and the orphaned, and the homesick exiles. All the millions of souls that belong to the royal family and spiritual lineage of St. Peter are today engaged more or less with the Blessed Sacrament: so that the whole Church militant is thrilling with glad emotion, like the tremulous rocking of the mighty sea. Sin seems forgotten; tears even are of rapture rather than of penance. It is like the soul's first day in Heaven; or as if earth itself were passing into Heaven, as it well might do, for sheer joy of the Blessed Sacrament."

From the commentary on the feast of Corpus Christi in Dom Prosper Gueranger 's The Liturgical Year.

Wednesday 19 June 2019


Disgraced serial plagiarist and toxic litigant (the persecutor of Vox and Fox Cantoris, the Chinese Catholics), Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, once the darling of the clericalist elite, a hobnobber with billionaires, multimillionaires, cardinals, bishops, politicians, celebrities, and even the Pope, has come crashing down

Thomas Rosica, an award for "Catholic Communications",
all the while engaged in serial plagiarism  

Rosica, soared in flight on the two wings of arrogance and pride, but finally crashed and burned in spectacular Icarian fashion. 

Exposed as a notorious, decades-long serial plagiarist, the toxicity of Rosica was even too much for the Board of Directors at Salt and Light, which had bent over backwards to excuse and protect the wayward priest since the scandal broke in February of this year. 

Rosica, picking up an Honorary Doctorate,
whilst leading a double-life as a plagiarist

However, four months of continual exposure of Rosica's plagiaristic proclivities whilst remaining as CEO of Salt and Light, finally had its toll, and Rosica was asked to resign (ousted?) from S and L. Even by their very low standards, the noxious toxicity of Rosica was too much. Their brand (such as it is), was being affected. Money talks, and Rosica had to go. 

The next question is: when will Regis College at the University of Toronto revoke the honorary doctorate they gave Rosica? 

Monday 17 June 2019

Prayers for Pope Benedict, please

Update: Il Vaticano has determined this to be a hoax. That does not really matter - the True Pope needs all the prayers he can get, and I would imagine he didn't mind these.

Sunday 16 June 2019

BREAKING: Archbishop defends Neo-Nazi Rallies, while condemning priest!

Statement from the Archbishop's Office
regarding a bulletin announcement
at St. John Chrysostom's Parish
Sunday, June 16, 2019

For immediate release

I understand that there was a message published in the Sunday bulletin of St. John Chrysostom's Parish regarding the various neo-Nazi "Nuremberg Memorial Events" that are being held across our Archdiocese. Amongst other things, the bulletin published the following regarding Nazism:

"A reminder that Catholics and all other Christians should not attend the neo-Nazi "Nuremberg Memorial Events" held this month. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Christian Faith and morals. This is especially harmful to children as it could lead them away from God's revealed Truth. There will be even Nazi flags and banners flying courtesy of the government."

I did not sanction this message, and it does not reflect the spirit of accompanying charity and compassion that should always characterize our faith.

The Archdiocese has spoken with the pastor of the parish. He regrets any hurt that his inappropriate comments have caused towards neo-Nazis and their supporters.

+ Rupert Weakling 

cc: Fr. Aidan McNutty, Chancellor
     Ms. Ann Thrope, Secretary to the Archbishop
     Sr Theresa Insane, Dean, Franciscan Flyers of the Annulment Seminary