Monday 28 May 2018

Fr. Gerald Murray at the Toronto Oratory on St. Philip's Day

It was St. Philip's Day, and the Church of the Holy Family was crowded in west-end Toronto. Fr. Gerald Murray JCD, of the Archdiocese of New York was Guest Preacher. In the space of about 25 minutes, he delivered a quite, scholarly, yet pastoral sermon on the present crisis in the Church. 

It was a sermon focused squarely on the poison of liberalism in the Church and in society. Error, confusion, dissent was exposed, with charity, yet force. Fr. Murray spoke of the duty of priests and the faithful to oppose such evils in defense of Christ and His Church. 

Fr. Murray outlined Cardinal Newman's lifelong combat against liberalism, drawing our attention to the "Biglietto Speech" when in Rome receiving his Cardinal's hat from Pope Leo XIII. It was obvious that Fr. Murray is devoted to Newman, as a guiding light in these troubled times, where a false mercy is being promoted that, for example, Our Lord does not really take offense at sin As Fr. Murray pointed out liberal society - poisoned with relativism - allows one to decide reality when it comes to grave moral evils, but not (as he gave as an example) when it comes to coveting another's financial assets, which would result in a visit by the police.

The crisis of the Faith, the spread of relativism, as Fr. Murray pointed out, has not decreased since Newman's day, indeed, it has only become more pronounced. As examples of this Fr. Murray alluded to recent reports of those wishing to water down Humanae Vitae, or even dispose of it. Or those wishing to undermine Catholic doctrine and deny that homosexuality is disordered, and to deny that each and every homosexual act is objectively always gravely sinful. 

The Faithful were reminded of the contemporary war against the heresy of relativism and indifferentism waged by Pope Benedict XVI, and more recently by men such as Robert Cardinal Sarah.  

Catholics in Toronto should thank God for such clarity of doctrine preached to them. To hold fast to the Truth, to reject relativism, false mercy, to reject the seductive lure of liberalism in all its guises. 

Please pray for Fr. Murray. Please pray for the Toronto Oratory. PLease pray for our Holy Father. Please pray for the Universal Church.  

Saturday 26 May 2018


Grand Lodge of Ireland, Freemasons Hall, Dublin
(this and all subsequent images) 

Exit polls strongly suggest the Irish referendum on abortion will result in approximately 70% in favour. This comes as no surprise. In fact, it would have been astonishing if the Irish had rejected abortion. It should be noted that every "Catholic" who voted in favour of abortion incurred latae sententiae excommunication.

When the Irish embraced sodomy, it was only a matter of time that they would embrace abortion. Remember, the warning words of St. Paul: sodomites are "liars and murderers to the end". Paradoxically, whilst once Catholic Ireland was opposed to abortion, Protestant Ulster continues to ban abortion. The pressure, as of this writing, is to force baby killing into Northern Ireland as well.

Goat's Legs representing Bahomet

Why did the Irish fall ? How is it that in one generation the Irish "Catholics" achieved for Satan, what hundreds of years of occupation by a foreign protestant power failed to do? 

Let us take a little trip back to 1983 - 35 years ago - and see what a true Catholic priest had to say about the state of religion and morality in Southern Ireland.  Our little trip "down memory lane" will reveal the near complete decadence of the Church in Ireland during and following the Second Vatican Council. 

I shall quote exclusively from a prophetic address given on the Centenary of the birth of the great Dr. Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp, by Fr. J. Aherne, C.S.Sp., at Ely House, Dublin. 

The evils that Dr. Faehy foresaw are fast becoming realities in every country. The trend is to have Christ conform to the world. Christ's revelation is replaced by private judgement where everyone decides for himself or herself what is right or wrong... paganisation of every country is spreading apace - not least here in Ireland, one of the last bastions of Christianity.  
The first success of Satan and his minions in this country was in getting the Irish people to reject the Mystical Body of Christ, the Catholic Church from its rightful place in the Irish Constitution... He Himself said that He is the True Vine. Branches cut off from Him wither and are only fit for burning. 
[Here it gets very interesting as we see the role played by the Roman churchmen and the Irish Hierarchy is demolishing the Catholic Church in Eire]. Fr. Aherne continues:  
The words of Christ are being fulfilled in our land, where Satan uses all his stratagems against the Church. After the Second VAtican Council Satan succeeded in twisting the meaning of texts. He got accepted a false ecumenism that all religions are equal and none of them very important. The heresy of Religious Indifferentism is central to Satan's plan. The Church of Christ is put on the same level as man-made religions... 
Worldwide, Satan has got accepted a catechetical method totally lacking in those clear truths which Denis Fahey learned in his schooldays...Surveys show that many children [today's pro-abortion voters] are not taught the existence of Hell, are not taught the Commandments, are not taught the basic prayers of the Church and are not even taught that Christ established only one Church to show mankind how to serve and worship God and so gain Heaven. In the field of sexual morality the directives of the Masonic Lodge, Alta Vendita, would seem to be operative here... 
Today there is no attempt to stop the spread of pornography, of evil films, video shows and books... 
Although the use of contraceptives violates God's law, it is now given legal validity in Ireland, as in most countries...the prime objective of this, would be to facilitate the abandonment of the Faith, since one cannot carry these evil means around and still claim to be able to go to the sacraments. Consequently grace will be lacking and the drift from God accelerated. Satan is so sure of his conquest of IRELAND that he has launched a Secularist Crusade... 
'Wherever the breath of naturalism has passed, the very source of Christian life has dried up" (Cardinal Pie). The present attempts to introduce to introduce Divorce, Abortion and Sodomy into our country prove that the poison is taking effect.  
This is the age-old conflict of Light versus Darkness, of Good versus Evil, of Christianity versus Paganism.  

Let there be no mistake, abortion is Satanic, it is devil worship. The Irish Nation, today, chose Satan over Christ, and until they repent and do penance, Christ's punishment will be indeed wrathful. For to much is given, much is expected. 

Friday 25 May 2018

St. Philip's Day ~ High Latin Mass at the Toronto Oratory

St. Philip Neri's Feast Day will be celebrated tomorrow, May 26th, 10 a.m.,  at the Toronto Oratory. High Mass will be at the Church of the Holy Family at 1372 King St. West. 

Guest Preacher will be the eminent American Canonist and religious commentator, Fr. Gerald Murray, JCD. 

It is indeed "quaint", that Fr. Murray has been the Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul and is now the Pastor of Holy Family Church. I  Toronto,  the Fathers of the Toronto Oratory serve both Holy Family in Parkdale, and the astonishingly beautiful St. Vincent de Paul church in the adjacent neighbourhood of High Park. 

Indeed, the humour and wit of St. Philip himself, never stops to amaze us! What a fitting Guest Preacher. Just like Philip himself, Fr. Murray is humble, a man of pastoral action, though of rock solid orthodoxy; a man on fire with love Our Lord Lord Jesus Christ!  

Monday 21 May 2018

Saturday 19 May 2018

Prayer to Our Lady of Palestine

Prayer to Our Lady of Palestine

O Mary Immaculate, gracious Queen of Heaven and of Earth, behold us prostrate before thy exalted throne. 

Full of confidence in thy goodness and in thy boundless power, we beseech thee to turn a pitying glance upon Palestine, which, more than any other country, belongs to thee, since thou hast graced it with thy birth, thy virtues and thy sorrows, and from there hast given the Redeemer to the world.

Remember that there especially thou wast constituted our tender Mother, the dispenser of graces. Watch, therefore, with special protection over thy native country, dispel from it the shades of error, for it was there that the Son of Eternal Justice shone. Bring about the speedy fulfillment of the promise, which issued from the lips of thy Divine Son, that there should be one fold and one Shepherd.

Obtain for us all that we may serve the Lord in sanctity and justice during all the days of our life, so that, by the merits of Jesus and with thy motherly aid, we may pass at last from this earthly Jerusalem to the splendors of the heavenly one. + Amen +

(“Imprimatur, Jerusalem. Kal. Jan. 1926: Aloysius Patriarcha”)
For some history on this beautiful prayer, please visit here

In 1948, Pope Pius XII outlined the only plan for true peace in the Holy Land: prayer to Our Lady. The Vicar of Christ was not listened to, Catholics did not pray for peace. Thus, war and rumours of war surround the Holy Land. With both sides in this blood feud becoming brutalized and desensitized from decades of violence and slaughter, the end does not look good.

There will be NO peace, as both sides reject the Prince of Peace. It is only a matter of time when the Man of Perdition (who will be a Jew according to the Fathers) will walk into the Temple, and make "peace". He will be the Antichrist.

Pope Pius wrote: 
But there is another special reason today which brings affliction and keen anxiety to our hearts. We mean to refer to the Holy Places of Palestine, which have long been disturbed.

Indeed, if there exists any place that ought to be most dear to every cultured person, surely it is Palestine, where, from the dawn of antiquity, such great light of truth shone for all men, where the Word of God made flesh announced, through the angels’ choir, peace to all men; where, finally, Christ hanging on the Cross acquired salvation for all mankind, with arms outstretched as if He were inviting all nations to fraternal harmony; and where He consecrated His precept of charity with the shedding of His blood.

We desire, therefore, Venerable Brethren, that supplications be poured forth to the Most Holy Virgin for this request: that the situation in Palestine may at long last be settled justly and thereby concord and peace be also happily established.

We place great confidence in the most powerful patronage of Our Heavenly Mother — a patronage which, during this month dedicated to her, innocent children especially will implore in a holy crusade of prayer.

Friday 18 May 2018

Why have so many Catholic Bishops betrayed "gay" people?

Betrayal, horrible betrayal. 

The question of the betrayal of homosexuals by Catholic bishops is one that must be answered. How is it possible for the priests of Jesus Christ to remain - at best - silent when confronted with people who have entered down the dark and destructive path of same-sex attraction, leading (in most cases) to homosexual activity? 

Joseph Sciambra offers us a glimpse into this horrendous betrayal. He should know. For years Joseph was told by evil priests that "gay is good', that God "made you this way"... the usual, demonic lies. As disturbing as this is, it gets worse. Joseph informs us that his efforts to discuss the insidious dangers of "gay-affirmative ministries" is dismissed out of hand - by bishops!!


For opposing "gay-affirmative ministries", Joseph is, in his very own words "the enemy". What a tragedy! 

Over thirty years ago, the late Fr. John O'Connor virtually waged a one man battle with powerful homosexual forces that had infiltrated the priesthood and - as Fr. O'Connor stated - even the episcopacy. Fr. O'Connor was correct. 

Certainly there are other factors involved: blackmail, a loss of Faith... but this betrayal on such a key issue cannot be fully accounted for, without taking into consideration the existence of active, militant homosexual bishops who seek to destroy the Church. 

Please pray for those suffering from same-sex attraction. Please pray for those who have been seduced into the homosexual lifestyle (many times, due to being molested as a child or young boy). 

Sciambra writes:

I have tried in all earnestly and charity to have a discussion with several bishops about the issue of gay-affirmative ministries within their dioceses – the universal reaction has been similar to what I experienced when I tried to report sex abuse – they throw up the shield, get a glazed look on their face and treat you like the enemy. There is no place in the Catholic Church for someone who won’t be silent about the failure of the bishops to address this issue.
I take this very personally, in the 1990s, I had a wonderful and funny sad friend who always wavered on his alliance to being gay. I thought he was simply conflicted. The Catholic Church meant nothing to me. But it meant something to him. He struggled. Then he discovered John J. McNeill and a nearby gay-affirmative parish. Before that, I think he might have gotten out of the life. He didn’t. He died of AIDS before the introduction of anti-retrovirals in 1994. Words have meaning – and consequences. But those who carelessly utter them, are usually not the ones that suffer – or die because of what they said. Its those who listened. I still find the Church complicit in his death. It haunts me to this day.
At age 17, a Catholic priest told me that God created me this way.
Over a decade later, I would talk to another Catholic priest, this time, I was suffering from an anal prolapse – God still made me gay.

The full article may be read here.

Thursday 17 May 2018

The Catholic Church against the scourge of Liberalism

The holy Pope Pius VIII reigned less than one year, yet he left us a legacy of profound insight, and a prophetic glance into the future. Most Catholics, even those who call themselves "traditional", are liberals. If you still support "religious liberty", or "separation of Church and State", no matter how you cut it, you are a liberal and endangering your Faith. What you build up during the day, you tear down by night. 

Catholics do NOT support "religious liberty", "separation of Church and State". Catholics work and pray for the day when the State is imbued with the Gospel, when the duly elected leaders (yes, even a "democracy" must have a King!!!), pay public homage to Our Lord Jesus Christ. This means that we have to proclaim to ALL - yes, all without exception - that Jesus Christ is the ONLY NAME under Heaven by which we are saved. This means that the State - EVERY State without EXCEPTION, must, if it is rightly ordered, honour Jesus Christ and acknowledge His Church, and not place it blasphemously on the same level as "heretical sects and Jewish perfidy" (Pius VII).

That means we have some serious work to do. We MUST proclaim Him to the Moslems, living in darkness, just as we MUST proclaim Him to the Jews who are in greater darkness than even the poor Moslems. For example, just the other day we saw the evil, Catholic-hating John Hagee, giving a "benediction" (in reality a demonic hymn to satanic - yes Satanic! - Zionism) on Monday, when that heretic did not even mention the Holy Name of JESUS before the unbelieving Jews. What a contrast between this sad man and St. Stephen who proclaimed Jesus before the Jews and suffered holy martyrdom!!! 

To proclaim Him, we must live for Him and be examples of holiness. If we merely shout, rage, denounce, but NOT lead -FIRSTLY - holy lives, what we build will be on sand, and not only doomed to failure, but be vanquished by Satan into his false kingdom. 

Humility, penance, prayer.... these are our weapons before any action!

Let us now, in the midst of near total ruin and corruption, take to heart the words of a holy Pope. 

Pius VIII wrote

Among these heresies belongs that foul contrivance of the sophists of this age who do not admit any difference among the different professions of faith and who think that the portal of eternal salvation opens for all from any religion. 

They, therefore, label with the stigma of levity and stupidity those who, having abandoned the religion which they learned, embrace another of any kind, even Catholicism. This is certainly a monstrous impiety which assigns the same praise and the mark of the just and upright man to truth and to error, to virtue and to vice, to goodness and to turpitude. 

Indeed this deadly idea concerning the lack of difference among religions is refuted even by the light of natural reason. We are assured of this because the various religions do not often agree among themselves. If one is true, the other must be false; there can be no society of darkness with light. Against these experienced sophists the people must be taught that the profession of the Catholic faith is uniquely true, as the apostle proclaims: one Lord, one faith, one baptism.

Jerome used to say it this way: he who eats the lamb outside this house will perish as did those during the flood who were not with Noah in the ark. Indeed, no other name than the name of Jesus is given to men, by which they may be saved. He who believes shall be saved; he who does not believe shall be condemned.

Monday 14 May 2018


Today is a day of great sorrow for Catholics. The United States of America has formally moved its Embassy to Jerusalem, the capital of the "State of Israel". It was pathetic to hear the "Star Spangled Banner" being sung at this ceremony, with the words "land of the free" and "home of the brave" being sung, whilst America is crushed under the Zionist heel. 

But it goes far deeper, than mere political realities. Politics reflect religion - let there be no mistake. 

The history of the world is a theological history. The Jews as a Nation rejected Our Lord, though He Himself was and remains a Jew of the House of David. Our Lord's human heart is Jewish, and the salvific Blood He shed was and remains forever Jewish. This must be kept in mind, or Catholics risk falling into another form of naturalism; that is, hatred of Jews as a race, commonly referred to as "anti-semitism".

However, the rejection of Our Lord has led to disasterous results for the Jews. The belief in the one God has fallen drastically amongst Jews, as having rejected and crucified their Messiah, they seek Him where He is not, in naturalism. Marxism, capitalism, socialism, materialism, Freemasonry, Liberalism, all bear a very heavy imprint of Jewish formation or major influence. This is to be expected, as when one rejects God and sets oneself in opposition to Him, the results can only be dire. 

Since the Crucifixion, the Jewish nation has been combatting the supernatural influence that Our Lord seeks to diffuse through His Catholic Church. Jewish efforts to mould society and social organisms away from the supernatural life of grace, in opposition to Our Lord and His Church, must be combatted. These efforts must be combatted 100 fold over our combatting Islam, as the latter only attack the body, whilst the first attacks the soul and the mind. 

Zionism is a materialistic, messianic ideology permeated with Jewish racial pride. The distinguished Jewish convert, Fr. Lemann, quotes Rabbi Michel Weil as expressing this materialistic messianism accurately, the "true Redeemer as not being a person but Israel transformed into a beacon for the nations" (L'Univers Israelite, 1869, p.315). This same racialist-messianic ideology was re-proposed in the 1960s by Zionist, David Ben-Gurion when he outlined his futuristic vision that included: " In Jerusalem, the United Nations will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind..."

Zionism, is viciously anti-Catholic. This may come as a shock to many well-meaning, but misguided and misled Catholics, who support Zionism. 
"Zionism, that politico-religious doctrine which gave birth to the modern state of Israel, was the Jewish heresy that the Messias is not a person, but the Jewish race should come as no surprise that its proponents were and are declared enemies of the Faith. In the book Rome and Jerusalem, another prominent Zionist, Moses Hess (1812-1875), developed the thesis that Rome (Christianity) must be supplanted by Jerusalem (Judaism)".
It should be no surprise to Catholics that in our present day, protestant "evangelicals", fanatically promote the heresy of "Christian Zionism". Every Catholic should, for example,  be repulsed by the psychopathic Catholic-hater, John Hagee and the equally evil Benjamin Netanyahu. Both men, agents of the devil, as Zionists are working against the Will of Christ.

This destructive racialist-messianism, was also alluded to by Pope Pius XII in his Christmas Allocution of 1948 for a very good reason. Palestine had just been invaded and occupied by foreign Jews from Europe. 

The holy Pope proclaimed: 
Hear resounding in the night like the bells of Christmas, the admirable words of the Apostle of the Gentiles, who had himself been a slave to the mean, narrow prejudices of nationalist and racial pride, stricken down along with him on the road to Damascus: 'He (Jesus Christ), is our peace who hath made both (peoples) one...killing the enmities in Himself. And coming He preached peace to you that were afar off, and peace to then that were nigh' (Ephesians, II, 14-17)". 
(Translation from the Italian original as it appeared in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Jan, 31, 1949). 

Thus, we see that building upon Original Sin, the Jewish nation has set itself up against God's plan for a return to Order and Unity of Humanity through submission to Christ's Church, the New Israel. The Jewish nation is called upon to submit to the Mystical Body and not try to impose its naturalistic ambitions on the world. 

Now, let us turn to the question of Palestine, with serene eyes, following the mind of the Church, which is the Mind of Christ. 

Have the Jews a right to Palestine in which they can set up a political State? Given their rejection of Our Lord, it is obvious they can no longer lay claim to the land by Divine Right. They received the land on condition that they obey God. They disobeyed Him, and crucified His Son. Additionally, the Arabs, who have lived in that area have natural rights too, which cannot be forgotten. 

We read in the Catholic Gazette of 1936, an article written by the eminent scholar, the Canon Arendzen: 
"The Arab population... have definite and inalienable rights which must be respected. The Jews are foreigners in Palestine and the intrusion of vast numbers of foreigners so as to swamp the native population seems an act of unprovoked injustice....the Jews have practically evacuated Palestine since 138 A.D., and their intrusion into it after having left it for eighteen hundred years seems unjustifiable, on any known principles of equity"

Having clarified that the Jews do not have a natural right to Palestine, let us delve a little more deeply into the theological implications of Jewish occupation of Palestine. In his book, "The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation", we read by the distinguished Irish historian and priest, Rev. Dr. Denis Fahey: 
"The Jewish claim to Palestine is implicitly a denial that they have disobeyed God and missed their vocation by the rejection of the Supernatural Messias. It is the assertion in action that the promised Messias has not yet come and that the day of their national domination over the world will yet dawn. The final result will inevitably be another disastrous blow to their hopes, for all their naturalistic attempts to impose their will on God, instead of accepting His, are doomed to failure, and every failure involves the Jewish nation in dire catastrophes" (p. 71). 
Let us therefore pray for the conversion of the Jews, who pain especially Our Lord's Sacred Jewish Heart. 

Today, as "Israel" takes perhaps one step closer to welcoming the Antichrist, let us pray for their return "for the sake of the fathers", as St. Paul did. 

Peace be unto Israel. Come Lord Jesus, come. 

Thursday 10 May 2018

Feast of the Ascension: Sung Latin Mass

The spiritual, interior life, is where we see the state of the Christian soul. We cannot do good works without Christ always being in first place in our lives. As we witness scandals, errors, we will be tempted more and more to allow this "noise" into our souls, to corrupt it. Resist! Do not let the devil disturb you. 

This evening, in the lovely parish of St. Mary's, in the west-end of Toronto, there will be a Sung Latin Mass. 

Come to worship Christ Our Lord! 

CARDINAL DOLAN SPEAKS: "Met Gala "can only be good for the Church"

The Catholic Church - Christ's Mystical Body on earth - was violently assaulted the other night in New York City. The High Priest, Caiphas (Cardinal Dolan), and Herod (Stephen Schwarzman) - or, in Renaissance language, the corrupt nominal Christian Prince and his Jewish money lender - brought together a mob of Jews and Gentiles, sexual libertines and outright sexual perverts, to once again re-crucify Christ in His Mystical Body. Nothing ever changes. 

The neo-modernist Crux, carries a report quoting Cardinal Dolan's approval of the blasphemous, licentious Met Gala from the other night. Can you imagine Sts. Peter or Paul getting together with powerful, wealthy Roman citizens to mock Christ and His Church for 30 pieces of silver? That is why we must prepare ourselves for a near total collapse of the institutional Church in Europe and North America. Be prepared.

However, as the Church collapses into twilight in the decadent and apostate "West", the Church is seeing a re-emergence in Africa and the Middle East, Her traditional lands. We have the bricks and mortar, they have the Faith. 

A number of years ago, the Chicago-born priest, Fr, John O'Connor reflected on whether or not we should give our money to these bishops or to Rome. Well, once again, Fr. O' Connor is proven the prophet. 

Here, Fr. O'Connor speaks about the churchmen's vast art collection. 

Watch this video, spread this video.  

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Suspended from Twitter for criticizing the Met Gala on the grounds of "hateful conduct"

The tweet that Twitter found "hateful" 

Last night, my Canadian account was temporarily suspended for using the word "sodomite". Due to algorithms, the Tweet was identified within THREE minutes. I immediately screenshot it, and placed the "offending" tweet on my USA account. 

Action item: bombard Twitter demanding that it REMOVE the offensive and blasphemous photos of the Met Gala. 

Friends, I have just submitted a number of tweets by the official Met Gala Twitter account for suspension. 


It took less than a couple of minutes to select and submit the disgusting tweets. Do you not have extra two minutes today you can put aside for Our Lord? 

Catholics, Christians and men and women of good will! Let us not sit back and do nothing! Yes, very likely my complaint will be ignored. After all, how can they be "offensive" to Catholics, since they have been endorsed by a Prince of the Church: His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan? 

I am reminded of the vision of St. Faustina Kowalska, when she saw Cardinals and bishops taking the whips from the Roman soldiers, to continue flogging Our Lord. 

Our Lord was flogged the other night. Let us, like the holy women be with Jesus during His humiliation and torture. Let us be with Him especially, when He is being tortured by the very men who should be His holy priests.  

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Met Gala "Heavenly Bodies" an open attack on Jesus Christ

Last night, in New York City, the powerful and wealthy gathered to re-crucify Christ and His Church. Christ, in His Church, was once again mocked, spat upon, and degraded. 

The Met Gala, "Heavenly Bodies" was eerily similar to the original Crucifixion. Just as there was, 2000, years ago, the High Priests of the one, true Church involved in crucifying the Messiah, so too, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, - as the representative of the real and true Israel, was busy re-crucifying Christ with his support and presence at this blasphemous "Heavenly Bodies" event. Making matters worse, the Vatican itself was and remains heavily involved in this event. A number of items of clothing were sent from Rome, including, vestments worn by Pope Benedict XIV. Museum curator, Andrew Bolton (a practicing homosexual) was in Rome ten times over several years selecting vestments for the Met display. He had the gaul to refer to the holy Blessed Pius IX as being "a bit of a dandy". 

Just as the Jewish Sanhedrin were involved in crucifying Our Lord, so too, the organizers at the Met Gala were Jewish: Ana Wintour, Editor of Vogue, and multi-billionaire Stephen Schwarzman, also known as the "man who owns New York", put up the money. These descendants of Our Lord's traditional enemies, were joined by the opportunistic and amoral descendants of the Roman soldiers who spat upon, assaulted and mocked Jesus: "celebrities" attired in blasphemous, mocking, and obscene clothing. 

Dear friends, things will continue to get worse. We are seeing the wrath of God being poured out upon a disobedient and sinful Church. The worst punishment God can send is wayward churchmen. Bad priests are a clear sign God is very angry with His Church. This punishment is bringing the various local churches of the once Christian West towards near total collapse. 

What are we to do? I would recommend readers to obtain a copy of Dom Chautard's "The Soul of the Apostolate". This book, which St. Pius X kept by his bedside, advises us that the true Christian life is lead by example, conversion happens, when we live a holy life. That is how the ancient Catholics of Rome defeated and converted the most powerful Empire and war machine the world has ever seen. Not through hate, not through rage, not through anger. But through love - true love - and the laying down of one's life for Christ. 

Whilst these people mock Christ and degrade His Church, let us never forget that Christ never will abandon those who do not first abandon Him. Behold the beauty of the Church in beloved Africa: 

I pray - and I ask you too do so as well - for Cardinal Dolan and the men in Rome who participated in this blasphemy and mockery of Our Lord. Just like the High Priests, theirs is the greatest sin. I ask you too, to pray for the conversion of those other deluded souls, Jew and Gentile, who do not know Christ. He died for them. May they repent, and therefore be able to come into His Kingdom. 

UPDATE: My Twitter account was SUSPENDED for criticizing the MET GALA.  

Sunday 6 May 2018

Ukraine celebrates 75 years of the SS Galicia Division

The Ukraine has issued commemorative stamps celebrating the 75th anniversary of the SS Galicia Division. This Nazi outfit distinguished itself during the Second World War for its sadistic brutality and violence. The SS Galicia Division was not the only Nazi Ukrainian organization. Prior to, and during the War, there were numerous fanatical, rabid nationalist and racist para-military and political groups. One of the worst was under the control of the vicious war criminal, Stepan Bandera. I have written about Bandera previously.

The most scandalous thing is the the complete silence about Ukrainian involvement in and ongoing glorification of Nazis. This must be explained. It is just not possible that people such as Senator John McCain, or Victoria Nudelman (CEO of the neocon warmongering, "Center for a New American Security") were unaware that Nazis were heavily involved in the Maidan revolt and overthrow of the legitimate Ukrainian government. During this era of "foreign meddling", who can forget McCain and Nudelman's active orchestrating and assisting the rebels against the legal government of the the Ukraine? It is even more sickening when one realizes that Nudelman is a Jewess, yet had no problem conspiring with neo-Nazis against Russia and the legitimate government of the Ukraine. Fascinating it is that Zionist interests in the West are constantly shouting from the roof tops about alleged Polish "anti-semitism", yet where it really exists, they are silent. 

There were obvious - as there are today - geopolitical reasons for the actions of the neocon War Party that controls Washington. Moscow, rightly seeing her Black Sea Fleet under threat from NATO, moved quickly and efficiently to return Crimea to her rightful place within Russia. The occupation of the Black Sea by NATO would be but a major step forward in the dismemberment of Russia. 

But it goes even deeper than this. Russia being in the Black Sea gives her influence and leverage in the Middle East. Washington and her Zionist Allies have been trying to remove Russia's sphere of influence for years. Washington and Tel Aviv have done everything they could to undermine the Syrian government. However, they have failed - for now - in Syria. Thus, we now hear the war drums beating anew in other parts of the Middle East for a possible war with Iran.